“It’s easier to draft than it is to lead, but when you lead, you help somebody else go faster than they ever could have on their own.” Jon Acuff
I subscribe to Jon Acuff’s blog. I recommend it to anyone who enjoys reading about leadership. Jon brings a wonderful and fresh perspective to several areas regarding leadership.
This particular quote is one I really enjoyed. Jon learned this lesson from his father who had taken up cycling. Read the quote again in the context of cycling and consider the following.
Leadership will always have challenges, but the rewards outweigh the difficulties.
Leadership helps others learn how to achieve their goals.
Leadership empowers others to achieve greater work without us.
Leadership provides the foundation for future success for the good of everyone.
It might be easier to draft behind someone else, sort of coast along without much struggle or strain. However, it does not bring the kind of change needed for the spiritual success of others or ourselves.
Leadership makes it possible for others who cannot or will not step up and change the future.