Leadership Word Of The Week…Context

Context is an interesting word with a variety of meanings and applications. From application within a particular written document to specific circumstances or statements, the context determines our approach.

What is the “context” of our leadership?

By examining the circumstances surrounding our opportunity to lead, what approach are we taking when it comes to leading others?

Do we find ourselves out of context?

One of the dangers regarding context involves taking something, or in this case, someone, out of context. I have heard that when we remove something from its context, it becomes a pretext.

Would this describe our approach in leadership?

We need to serve within the context which God has given us to serve. We need to be careful and avoid allowing our leadership to become a pretext for something more self-serving. We must take heed to our approach of leadership.

The context of our Lord’s leadership was one of a servant, placing the needs of others above His own. Our leadership must be in the same context if we are going to see powerful results.

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