Who Are We At The Core?

Our culture has developed an ability to act one way, yet at the core they are really someone else.

We often refer to this as hypocrisy. While this is true, we also need to understand that our culture has been working on developing this long enough it has become accepted, normal, expected and somewhat glorified through Hollywood.

A number of tragedies over the years have occurred where an individual walks into a movie theater, high school, restaurant, or mall and begins a killing rampage. The people who knew the individual often express how they never thought they would have done something like this. On the surface they seemed normal. However, at the core they were someone quite different.

We also see the connection to spiritual leadership. How many times throughout the past century has the core of a religious leader been exposed in sinful activity?

Our leadership needs to be characterized by a core that is true to walking with integrity, working righteousness and speaking truth in our hearts.

Here is where we begin to develop the opportunity for our greatest influence.

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