Leadership Thought Of The Day…

“Outstanding leaders go out of their way to boost the self-esteem of their personnel. If people believe in themselves, it’s amazing what they can accomplish.” Sam Walton

Last week I discussed a thought connected to the result of a father’s belief in his son. Imagine the follow up when people believe in themselves.

We can see the importance of believing in ourselves and how much can be accomplished when we do.

However, the thought today involves the need for us as leaders to develop others in ways to create confidence in themselves.

Express confidence. It is amazing what a word of encouragement can do in helping others accomplish great work.

Give responsibility. Do not micromanage others. Give them a responsibility and allow them the opportunity to achieve the task.

Handle failure appropriately. This is a needed art in leadership. Expect times when people will fail. Help them learn from it, evaluate, and pick up and move forward.

Express confidence. If we begin and end with telling others how much we believe in them and what they can accomplish, greatness will be the result.

1 comment on “Leadership Thought Of The Day…

  1. Thank you, Bob. Helped me much!

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