The Morning After…

For Canadians, today is Boxing Day. The background to this day is worth the Google. However, for most, the idea of what happens the morning after Christmas requires a moment of thought.

Those who enjoy the holiday season continue to go on spreading the joy of family and fellowship celebrating with a little extra vacation time.

Many will return to work. When a holiday falls in the middle of the week, regardless of when it is set, the morning after is a matter of returning to the routine.

For some, a level of frustration is lifted, as the whole “commercialization” of Christmas that has swept the nation is past and they are just glad it is over.

Still, there are those who never have opportunity to celebrate with family or friends. The season is filled with sadness, and they are ready to move ahead.

Regardless of where we fit in the list above, this is a time to focus on a brighter future. Help others recognize that today is the first step to a better tomorrow.

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