This earth is a marketing field where companies strive to find the key to reach into the pocket of those in every corner of the inhabited world.
Sadly, billions of dollars are spent annually to learn the best ways to entice consumers to participate in what they do…consume.
Worse still, is the fact that Christians often succumb to the marketing mentality in an effort to appeal to people in their communities.
The result leads to what is referred to as the “attractional” church. The idea is to provide some sort of gimmick in the form of a program or activity that will attract people to the church. The church is always looking for the latest fad to entice folks to “come in.”
Jesus, however, provided a different marketing strategy that insures success. This strategy is one that involves “going out,” often identified as “missional.”
While there is an element that is attractional, God designed the church to be involved in going out into the world with the message.
The Great Commission is the instruction given to the apostles and an imperative that characterizes the whole of Christian living.