Italian TV dinner, Fazoli’s, Macaroni Grill, Massimino’s Cucina Italiana: there is a difference.
Arapahoe Community College, _________________ State University, Harvard, Oxford: there is a difference.
Church on the Move, Church of Body Modification, Foothills Bible Church, Crossroads church of Denver, Church of Christ: there is a difference.
Regardless of where we eat, receive our education, or worship, we all know there is a difference.
The same is true in leadership. We see it on every front politically, corporately, educationally, and spiritually. There is a difference.
When it comes to spiritual leadership, are we really making the difference? Has the mindset of complacency been allowed to hinder our leadership? Are we victims of an apathetic world and allowing indifference to control the direction of our leadership?
Just as there is a difference in all of the areas above, there is a difference we can make if we choose to do so. Let us provide the leadership needed today for a better tomorrow and eternity because, in the end, it makes all the difference in the world.