A leader must be a student. Obviously, there are many areas to study. From the perspective of spiritual leadership, we must be aware of our life in two worlds.
We must know the world we live in physically. The role of spiritual leadership involves leading others to Christ and to heaven. We need to know the challenges people face living in this world. We need to know the struggles and trials encountered. We need to know about national and international events.
We must also know the world we are living for spiritually. Because we have never been there, being a student in this realm is difficult. We must rely on the information God has provided for us in His word. Therefore, we must be a student of His word.
When we study the physical and spiritual realm, we begin to see why scripture emphasizes the need for us to prepare ourselves now for then.
All we say and do now is building a foundation for a world to come. As spiritual leaders, our task involves helping others reach the same destination. Think Souls!