
When leaders are instrumental in creating a movement, a group of people are involved in collective action to advance political, social, artistic, or religious ideas.

A movement exists when individual experience, or passion, takes on a life of its own within a diverse array of individuals and grouping in such a way that it sustains and reproduces itself as it works to bring about a common end.

The following characteristics provide a description.

First, movements are made up of individuals and independent groupings that come together to achieve a common goal.

Second, what holds these individuals and independent groupings together are personal, structural, and ideological ties.

Third, committed individuals at all levels use existing, significant social relationships to recruit others.

Fourth, members of a movement have had an identity-transforming experience that brings about a lifestyle change.

Fifth, overall unity in such a diverse collection of people requires a common ideology.

Sixth, opposition is part of the glue that holds this diverse collection together.

Consider how these thoughts connect to the movement that binds us together as Christians and how leaders can use this to change the world.

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