Month: May 2019

Leading In Global Times…

No longer is it a matter of if or when, globalization is here, and now! We often hear people say, “It’s a small world.” 

With the touch of a button, messages can be sent to the other side of the world.

However, we need to ask a few questions.

Are we aware of the changes globally? Economically? Politically? Socially? Religiously?
Have we considered how to embrace these changes?
Does our current plan involve a domestic or global approach?
How are we preparing spiritual leaders within a global context?

As the Lord’s church, we need to answer these questions and take steps to lead with a global perspective.

SALT Fun Fact #8

“Every cell in the body contains salt – an average adult contains about 250 grams of salt. It is essential for life. Yet, as little as 90 grams (approximately 3 tablespoons) of pure salt ingested would be enough to kill a 200 pound man. Too little salt and a person dies. Too much salt is equally fatal. In the same way, leadership is needed for people to reach their full potential. However, when leadership is excessive, controlling, or overbearing, it can actually debilitate and even destroy an individual’s potential.” Wayne Roberts

Lessons learned by experience are often the hardest, although effective. Wisdom learned from others helps us avoid the hardship of experience. If learned well, Wayne’s SALT Fun Fact today delivers the kind of wisdom that can prevent one of those hard lessons.

SALT Fun Fact #7

“In biblical Judaism, salt was mixed with animal sacrifices (Leviticus 2:13). This salt was a symbol of wisdom, discretion, and an enduring covenant. In the East, salt is an expression for the league of mutual amity. When the Arabs make a covenant together, they put salt on the blade of a sword, from whence everyone puts a little into his mouth. This constitutes blood relations and they remain faithful to each other, even when in danger of life. Leadership is a continual commitment, a covenant of sorts, to sacrificially exercise wisdom and discretion.” Wayne Roberts

Thank you Wayne for filling our bucket with amazing and powerful thoughts related to leadership and its connection to SALT. May we commit ourselves to the covenant of leading. May we give, and give up, whatever it takes to proceed with such wisdom and discretion.