A Resolute Heart…

How well are we keeping our resolutions? Yes, it is only the second day, but surprisingly, many do not make it past the first day. How are we doing?

The focus of this question is more concerned with spiritual matters than physical.

The idea of a resolute heart involves five thoughts for keeping our resolutions throughout the year.

Spiritual leaders must be determined, unwavering in the course that has been decided.

A second thought shows leaders to be purposeful. Nothing is done by accident. This thought indicates exactness to every word and action.

Leaders are adamant. They cannot be persuaded by error or distracted by trivial matters that keep them from focusing on the goal ahead.

Courage is not a quality of a resolute heart, but the decision made by leaders when needed in the moment they must be courageous.

The final thought identifies leaders as unshakable. Leaders can be pulled in many directions. However, the heart of a resolute leader is one that cannot be shaken from its foundation.

Let God’s leaders possess and apply these five thoughts as we move into 2014.

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