Category: Daily Leadership

Success and Vision

Before we can experience success, we must understand what we mean by success.

The definition of success on a personal and corporate level takes on different dimensions accordingly. We also find that the definition of success often changes with the stage and development of one’s life.

If we do not know how to define success, creating a vision for the future will be met with great challenge.

When we do not know the destination, how will we ever know if we reach it? Beyond this, why would anyone be passionate about pursuing the vision?

Unless we define success, any thought of vision crumbles with mediocrity.

Servant Leadership

What qualities describe the perfect leader?

One quality, exemplified by Jesus, that seems to rise to the top is a servant’s heart.

Here are a few lessons to learn from His example:

1) Servants do not look out for their own interests, but seek to put others above themselves (Phi. 2:3-5).

2) Servants are aware of the present circumstances and extend a solution to the need (Jn. 6:1-14 cf. v. 5).

3) Servants never seek opportunity for their own glory, but look to glorify God (Mt. 5:16; Jn. 8:49-59).

These three ideas provide ideas worth exploring to improve our leadership.

Trustworthy Character

Our culture has a great propensity to act one way, yet at the core be something completely different.

We refer to this as hypocrisy. We need to understand, however, that our culture has worked on this long enough it is now accepted and normal.

Hypocrisy tends to destroy every opportunity to influence others.

The core of our leadership needs to be characterized by integrity, justice, and truth.

These three characteristics highlight a leader worthy of God’s trust and the trust of those who follow. The result points to powerful influence.

Planning for Success

We’ve all heard that “those who fail to plan, plan to fail.”

Success and quality are the results of intentionality and planning with a dedication to persevere.

When a plan is in place, foresight has already formulated direction for those unexpected or untimely challenges.

This does not mean we will never have to deal with challenges, but if we negotiate a plan before we are in them, we know better how to handle those times.

Leading requires a plan. This is more significant when the spiritual application is connected. Whatever time is given to develop a good plan, it will produce success and quality.

Selfless Leaders

Sports fans around the world often celebrate the thrill of victory but also endure the agony of defeat. Sporting events bring out the best and worst of athletes.

When seen, we cheer the selfless character of those who understand true sportsmanship.

Perhaps the most thrilling part is demonstrated in the leadership roles among team events. The impressive way leaders step up and motivate their teams to give more than they imagined challenges all of us to take note.

Spiritual leaders must step up and motivate others to run a race far more significant than one to win a gold medal that eventually fades away (1 Co. 9:19-27).


Leadership is built upon values. Write them down. Review them daily. Keep them timeless.

The benefit comes through evaluating our actions with our values. We ensure a consistency of life when we align the conduct of our life with our values.

When one becomes a Christian, worldly values change to godly ones. Thoughts, words, and actions become more consistent with these new values.

Is it easy? No! However, the effort makes all the difference in our influence.

Martin Luther King Jr. said, “Life’s most urgent question is what are you doing for others?” It is worth the time to contemplate this thought when establishing our values.

Cultural Leadership

Certainly, culture has an influence on leadership and leadership has an influence on culture.

From a spiritual point of view, leaders cannot allow the culture to dictate the direction of God’s people, but leaders must shape the culture.

How can leaders shape the culture today?

Leaders must understand culture.
Leaders must recognize needs within culture.
Leaders must provide an example for cultural context.
Leaders must lead into a different culture.

Just a step in the right direction will help shape the changes needed in culture to direct a greater focus toward Jesus.


When we consider what’s on the line as it relates to leadership, we begin to understand the urgency.

Throughout the Old and New Testaments we find God’s provisions for leaders. He positioned individuals to lead.

God designed His church to function with leaders. Their function is outlined in the letter to Ephesus (Ep. 4:11-13).

People need someone to follow. Christians should provide an example of leading in the family, workplace, and community.

The breakdown of the family indicates an urgency for husbands, wives, and parents to keep a more biblical focus.

May God bless us with the courage and boldness to fulfill our responsibilities.


Travel increases the awareness of flexibility. Cultures vary from one country to the next. At the same time, each culture establishes their own practices and finds a rhythm that flows through the people who participate in the daily activities of life.

While leadership is complicated enough, add the cultural factors among the various backgrounds and relationships of people who make up the church, and complexity reaches a new level.

Leaders need flexibility. I do not mean compromising truth, but leadership focuses on the needs of those who follow.

Flexibility becomes critical to the twists and turns that factor into leading a multi-cultural people.

Be the One

“One tree can start a forest. One smile can begin a friendship. One hand can lift a soul. One word can frame the goal. One candle can wipe out darkness. One laugh can conquer gloom. One touch can show you care. One life can make the difference, be that one today.” Unknown

At its core, leadership involves the type of influence that makes a difference in the lives of others. As we go through our day, can we be that one? Can we be the one who influences others with a smile, a hand, word, or touch?

The answer is yes! Lead this way!