The First Day Of The New Year…
Happy New Year is appropriate for today’s post. The start of a new year is exciting as a freshness of new beginnings exists.
An evaluation of the past year results in resolutions to improve. These areas may include physical, emotional, intellectual, or spiritual needs.
The first step is recognizing the need to improve. Unless we are able to see the need to improve, the steps that follow have no value. The urgency of the need changes the approach to the next step.
The second step is a resolution to make the improvements. The stronger the resolve, the higher the chance of achieving the improvement. Without the desire to make changes, recognizing the need is only a wish in disguise.
The third step is implementation of the resolution. Many people make resolutions each year and often times throughout the year. However, the difference between those who fail and succeed with their resolutions is a plan to implement the resolution. How will we accomplish the goal?
If leaders in the Lord’s church will approach 2014 with these thoughts in mind, God will make great things happen through us.