Category: saltJournal

Bob’s daily blog of leadership points.

Leading The Most Unlikely…

For several weeks we have been talking about the task of leading the most unlikely. We know who it is and we know the biblical teaching that supports the need.

However, the reality of taking action is difficult.

We will become vulnerable emotionally, mentally, and physically.

We will expose ourselves for who we really are at the core of our being.

We must develop a compassion for the most unlikely of the world and a greater desire to get involved to help.

We would also be well served to understand that those who need to change the most are the most likely to change. Yet, when we see them as the most unlikely to change we will not consider leading them to Christ.

The difficulty of these matters is learning to be genuine in our care for leading the unlikely. We must learn how to love unconditionally.

Loving unconditionally means that no matter what you have done, what you believe, or how you treat me, I am going to love you.

Unconditional love is what leads others to the Savior! When we demonstrate it, we will lead the most unlikely.

Leadership Word Of The Week…Unique

Only one of its kind, special, unlike anything else, and unusual, are terms to describe the idea of being unique.

The idea of being unique can apply to something or someone.

The more unique, the more desirable, the more valuable, and the more popular.

Leadership has a unique opportunity to change the physical, spiritual and eternal lives of others.

What is it about our leadership that is unique?

Perhaps our style of leadership is unique, but in what ways can it be one of a kind?

Possibly it is the principle of our leadership that is unique, but principles are universal.

Potentially, our purpose is what makes leadership unique; in reality it is the only part of leadership that is unique.

Spiritual leadership has only one purpose, unlike anything else, special and unusual. This purpose was born out of the unconditional love of the Creator for His creation; a purpose designed to be demonstrated one to another.

This purpose is what keeps us focused and leads to the only hope for all of humanity. Helping others find this hope is a unique leadership.

People, People, People…

As I sit in the George Bush Intercontinental Airport in Houston I see people everywhere. Who are they? Where do they live? Where are they going? Are they married? Do they have children…grandchildren? Do they believe in God?

The list of questions is endless. The number of people who live and travel around the world is incredible, really more mind boggling.

The only way to know anything about them is to get involved in their lives. The challenge is taking that step. How can we lead them to the Savior without this connection?

More than likely, we will have to overcome some of our inhibition to take this step.

We will need to overcome fear!

What are we afraid of the most? Rejection? Failure? Saying something wrong?

The application of this thought is true whether talking to a stranger at an airport or a neighbor across the street.

Leading anyone to Christ involves the first step of moving past our fear and connecting to their lives. As challenging as the step may seem, the emotional connection of genuine love will make the difference.

Leadership Thought Of The Day…

“Remember that failure is an event, not a person.” Zig Ziglar

I often view a number of different websites and read tons of material about leadership. I am constantly amazed at where powerful thoughts are found.

I recently came across a list of quotes from Zig Ziglar that were identified as “Quotes That Can Change Your Life.”

Several are very good, but the first one grabbed my attention. I do not know how many times I have heard people refer to themselves as a failure. Because they did not succeed at a specific task, or achieve a grade they desired, they did not see the event as a failure, but themselves.

Sadly, we tend to carry this mentality over to the way we view other people. When others do not live up to “our” expectations or desires, we see them as a failure. Even worse is the way we see others can often affect the way others see themselves.

Quality leadership takes note of the opportunity to learn from the events (failures) in life and build their own character and/or the character of someone else, to ultimately succeed.

Leading The Most Unlikely…

My studies these past two months have been intensely challenging to how I live out what I believe and see taught in God’s word.

Let me clarify up front, I know that everyone needs the gospel.

I have heard numerous stories of the difficulties in reaching those who are more affluent in this world with the gospel. This is often the case when participating in campaigns.

We know this is true, regardless of the reasons we might present to the reality of the situation.

My concern? If we know that God has chosen the poor in this world to be rich in faith, and the receptivity is higher, then why are we not making greater efforts to lead the most unlikely to the Lord?

Do we exert the majority of our efforts to teach the gospel to those who seemingly feel as if they do not need God because they have plenty in this life?

Should we not spend more effort leading those who have little or nothing in this life to a greater understanding of what God has prepared for us?

More next week…

20 Years Ago…

Recently, I was given a graduation program from 1993. This was not just any graduation program, but my graduation program from the Bear Valley Bible Institute…20 years ago.

My mind was flooded with memories of the events surrounding the occasion. I looked a pictures reflecting days when I wondered if I would even see 20 more years and what I would be doing.

These pictures contained friends I endured long hours with in classroom lectures and library studies to complete assignments from one quarter to the next.

Some of these friends have since passed on to be with our Lord. There were pictures with my children at an age I now see in my grandchildren.

If you had asked me then if I would be where I am now, I could have only thought “I sure hope so.” Yet, I find myself missing the simplicity of days gone by.

I am reminded that life changes! During the history of these changes we need lead to with an anticipation of looking back 20 years from now knowing we fulfilled God’s will in our lives and in others.

Leadership Word Of The Week…Help

How should help be defined? A quick look in the dictionary reveals a number of thoughts: making it easier (for someone) to do something by offering one’s services or resources; improve (a situation or problem) be of benefit to by assisting, serving, and the list goes on.

The challenge has never been a definition, but the application. There is a difference between helping and enabling. There is also a difference in how we perceive helping and the reality of our actions.

I am reminded of the proverb defining the contrast in giving someone a fish to feed them for a day and teaching them how to fish to feed them for life. Which one is really helping?

Our leadership needs to be based on the same idea. When we are striving to help someone, our efforts should be considered beyond the temporary need of the moment, lest we find ourselves placing a bandaid on an gaping wound.

Let us lead with the conviction of helping others long term, perhaps eternally. Here is where the legacy of our leadership will be determined.

Showing Love To The Unlovable…

One of the greatest needs in our world and yet one of the greatest challenges involves love. Without understanding God’s love for us we face an obstacle in how to lead others with love.

I say this because God loves us for who we are and where we are, unconditionally. Unconditional love is what introduces the challenge.

As Christians who grow and nurture our relationship with God we can easily lose sight of our past life and the expression of God’s love at the time when we were helpless, ungodly, sinners, and enemies. In this condition, Paul tells us God demonstrates His love toward us.

Notice Paul did not say demonstrated, as in past tense. The word is present active showing that God demonstrates His love now and there is no assessment of it ever ending.

To lead others to the love of God, we must demonstrate the nature of God’s love to them.

We must show love even toward those who are not always the easiest to love. Is it easy? I cannot say it was for Christ, but He did so anyway. Therefore, I can do the same.

Leadership Thought Of The Day…

“The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen.” Elisabeth Kuebler-Ross

Our efforts in leading often have us trying to avoid or overcome the difficulties of life. I am not one who, personally, enjoys or anticipates the struggles, sufferings, and loss that can accompany life.

However, there is comfort in knowing there is a way out of these depths, and finding our way out brings a purifying process drawing us closer to God and stronger in our leadership.

Leaders must be able to appreciate the value of these challenges in life, developing a sensitivity and understanding that displays a compassionate and loving spirit.

When we demonstrate this type of concern for others, we are exemplifying a Christlike character that must be the foundation of our leadership.

Transitional Leading…

Every individual and group will experience at least one, if not multiple, transitions. These transitions are not always life changing, but they can alter our lives in ways that will never leave us the same.

Transitions occur both physically and spiritually. As we grow into adulthood our physical and psychological development experiences several changes. Spiritually, when we commit our lives to the Lord we experience another transition, and this transition continues to move us forward in spiritual growth.

Transitions arise on an individual and congregational level.

How do we lead during times of transition in the lives of those who are following?

Recognizing a transition is developing is the first step in learning how to lead through it.

Accepting transitions as part of growth will help ease the tension that can develop.

Patience must be demonstrated toward others during the time of transition.

Remember the common good of the whole as changes are developing.

Keeping our focus on the goals will strengthen our determination to endure the transition.

If we will practice a few simple ideas as we face transitions, our leadership will help guide others through any situation.