Category: saltJournal

Bob’s daily blog of leadership points.

Event Oriented Leadership…

We mentioned the time oriented nature of culture yesterday. However, the majority of people in the world live in a more event oriented culture.

An event oriented culture is not focused on the convenience of time, or how much time is needed to accomplish the task. The importance of the event takes precedence. Therefore, whatever amount of time is needed to finish the event will be given to it.

While there are pros and cons to both time and event oriented cultures, the key for leadership is to learn how to appropriately lead within the specific culture.

Trying to force an event oriented culture into one that is time oriented can be a recipe for disaster. The reverse is also true. However, when leaders use the beauty of each culture, the time to accomplish each specific task becomes the key to success.

The point is for leaders to examine the current culture and lead in ways that will use the orientation of the individual or group to help them succeed in reaching heaven.

Time Oriented Leadership…

A time oriented culture can be tough. Everything has a place and a scheduled time to be completed. The day begins and ends around the schedule.

Spiritually, the challenges of a time oriented leadership create difficulties in when and how?

When is the most convenient time to develop the plans and begin the work? The key idea behind this question is “convenient.” The problem we face in our culture is the desire for what is convenient. If the amount of time to be given is an inconvenience, then it is not likely to get people involved.

How much time has been given to accomplish the task? Leaders will have to work within the perimeters of the time given by others to carry out the work. Therefore, it is crucial to know the specifics of how much time each phase of the work is going to take. There will need to be the obvious factors for changes and delays that occur.

If answers can be given to these questions, and leadership provided, then the time oriented nature of the culture can be used for reaching the goal.

Leadership Word Of The Week…Temperament

Temperament involves a person’s nature as it permanently affects their behavior. Chew on that thought for a minute.

What kind of nature is permanently affecting our behavior?

There is an obvious connection to the emotional drive in our lives. This emotional drive could be related to anger or patience, an attitude of discontent or one of contentment. The list is endless, but the challenge is a pressing reality.

The example of our behavior in the presence of others affects the power of our leadership.

With both Christian and nonChristian alike watching our every move, it seems significant to consider why we must make certain to develop the kind of temperament that ensures a behavior of excellence.

We must strive to live more consistently like Christ in our attitudes, words and actions. The distinguished line determining how the world views Christ is often drawn on the basis of our character.

Perhaps this is why Jesus identified His disciples as the salt of the earth and the light of the world. We are to use our words and actions to provide an example of a temperament controlled by God.

What Are We Seeking?

Reading through the Gospels reveals the idea of seeking in several contexts.

Matthew shows how Jesus emphasizes the need for disciples to make a priority of seeking the kingdom of God, along with promising that when we seek we will find.

Mark indicates the religious leaders were seeking a sign from Jesus, but their motives were impure and Jesus said no sign would be given.

Luke speaks about the areas of seeking characterized by the material versus the spiritual.

John’s Gospel is one where the idea of seeking is indicated by those following Jesus, as well as, the motivation of Jesus. Here is where the post is focused.

Jesus was clearly seeking to do the will of the Father, to glorify Him. As spiritual leaders, what are we seeking to do or accomplish with our leadership?

We have been entrusted with a great opportunity and responsibility. What we are seeking makes all the difference in the lives we touch.

Let us always seek to prioritize the kingdom in our life and glorify our Father by our leadership. With such leadership lives will be changed forever. Think Souls.

Leadership Thought Of The Day…

“The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remain as your legacy.” Kalu Kalu

The challenge is how to truly communicate this message in a way that makes a lasting change.

The world is self-centered and the majority of people are looking out for themselves. The demon of selfishness seems to affect everyone at some level.

Rare is the individual whose legacy is built upon doing things for others. The difference is remarkable.

Spiritual leaders should stand out for this quality. Here are a two reasons why.

It is the example set and taught by Christ. The final lesson before His death was one of being a servant. When we follow this example we testify to the world we are His disciples.

The apostles taught it to the early church. Each time we find self-centeredness there is always death, destruction and division. The unity and harmony of the church must be built on service.

When we do for others, we are leaving a legacy that leads to an eternal home with God and takes others along also.

The Importance Of What We Learn…

Learning occurs within the realm of several venues. We can learn from the mistakes of others, as well as the successes.

We can learn from teachers who have academic credentials and those who simply have experience.

Learning is not the issue. We are learning something everyday from someone. We cannot help it and we cannot resist it. Everything we see with our eyes, hear with our ears, smell with our nose and feel with our hands creates a learning situation.

However, it is the importance of what we learn that really makes the difference.

Just from a spiritual perspective, are we learning information that promotes a greater knowledge of God’s word, closer relationship with the Savior, and a walk that is according to the Spirit?

Is our fellowship with brothers and sisters characterized by love, patience, and an understanding that promotes family?

Learning matters that are spiritual in nature provides a foundation for lasting leadership. When considering the importance of learning remember it is the importance of what we learn that is most important.

Power In Renewal…

Recently, the Bear Valley Bible Institute conducted its annual staff retreat. The purpose of the retreat was to focus on the work being done at the Bible Institute and around the world. The result was a renewal for everyone who attended.

The power in renewal is amazing as progress is shared, problems are discussed and plans are made for the future.

The time shared together is one that brings us all closer together as brothers and sisters, as well as, fellow workers participating in the greatest work on earth.

There is also a great take away lesson for leaders.

The day to day grind of work, shuffling one stack of papers to the next, struggling with solutions to problems, and an incredible work schedule tends to deplete leaders.

If leaders are going to maintain the qualities needed to remain emotionally strong there needs to be time to renew.

Spiritually, we must be renewed daily on the strength found in God’s word and through prayer. Such renewal helps us keep focused, accountable, and strong in providing help to others. Think Souls!

Leadership Word Of The Week…Constant

Few areas in life seem to be constant. The idea behind this word involves remaining the same over an extended time.

Children need a constant they know will provide a consistent standard by example and instruction for how they need to live.

Employees need employers to be a constant in providing direction for the future growth and development of companies.

The implication for spiritual leadership is obviously the same. Why? Because God has provided a constant in every area necessary for life and godliness.

His word does not change. He does not change. His plans and the gospel are eternal.

Since God is such a constant for life, our efforts must be to develop the qualities needed to demonstrate the constant of life for others.

Ultimately, we are talking about growing to maturity in our leadership. The more we grow, the more constant we are as leaders, and the more our maturity is seen.

If there was ever something needed within the church, for the world to see, it would be a life lived by the constant of God’s word.

A Thing To Be Achieved…

What is the most significant project we are working on at the present? Is the project worth being achieved? Will the outcome make a difference in the lives of others?

When it comes to our effort to lead others there are some things worth being achieved in our leadership. Consider a few of the following suggestions.

Be an Andrew. His name appears only a few times in the New Testament, and it is generally in a list of the apostles. While we might not remember his name, we certainly know his brother, Peter. Andrew was responsible for bringing Peter to Jesus. For leaders, this is a task worth achieving.

Be a Barnabas. The very name means “son of encouragement.” Providing encouragement to others is one of the greatest achievements as a leader.

Be a Timothy. The very purpose Timothy served in Ephesus was to preach the word and teach those who were faithful to teach others. Such activity would ensure salvation for everyone involved.

These are only three suggestions, but if we work to achieve the activity of each, we will provide a leadership that makes a spiritual difference.

Leadership Thought Of The Day…

“Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are.” – John Wooden

Several years ago a friend shared a conversation with me where he was told the way he saw himself and the way others saw him was different. He judged himself by his intentions and others judged him by his actions.

People are watching their leaders. This is especially true, if not more so, when it comes to spiritual leaders. The life of a spiritual leader is under the microscope 24/7.

We have to be careful about how we see ourselves versus the way others see us. Sadly, there are only a few who will be honest enough to tell us how we are seen by others. We live in a culture where we are afraid of hurting someone’s feelings, or offending them. Therefore, we tend to say nothing.

There needs to be a good balance and the right attitude in the way we approach relationships.

We need to strive at making sure our character and reputation align themselves perfectly.