Checklist for Leadership…
I have a book on my desk titled “Checklist for Life for Teachers.” The book is designed to provide devotional thoughts to strengthen the character needed in teachers.
The idea moved me to think about a similar concept for leaders. Leaders strive to instruct, offering knowledge, wisdom, experience, and guidance to mold the lives of others. However, the role of leadership extends beyond these areas. The life of a spiritual leader is a role model, a godly example of how to live.
Followers are watching. They look to leaders for a better understanding of how to live in this world. They want to know how to overcome the daily challenges of life. Regardless of whether we want the responsibility or not, the truth remains. Our example makes a difference.
Since this is true, spiritual leaders need a checklist for their character. A leadership examination should be a daily discipline to ensure our life measures up to our leadership.
Lead with integrity.
Teach with passion.
Motivate with love.
Above all else, trust completely.