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SALT Fun Fact #7

“In biblical Judaism, salt was mixed with animal sacrifices (Leviticus 2:13). This salt was a symbol of wisdom, discretion, and an enduring covenant. In the East, salt is an expression for the league of mutual amity. When the Arabs make a covenant together, they put salt on the blade of a sword, from whence everyone puts a little into his mouth. This constitutes blood relations and they remain faithful to each other, even when in danger of life. Leadership is a continual commitment, a covenant of sorts, to sacrificially exercise wisdom and discretion.” Wayne Roberts

Thank you Wayne for filling our bucket with amazing and powerful thoughts related to leadership and its connection to SALT. May we commit ourselves to the covenant of leading. May we give, and give up, whatever it takes to proceed with such wisdom and discretion.

SALT Fun Fact #6

“Michelangelo’s ‘Last Supper,’ shows Judas knocking over a salt shaker, which is meant to symbolize an act of the devil (the reason some throw salt over the shoulder…to blind the devil). When good leadership opportunities are wasted, the devil has his way with people. Great leaders stand over the shoulders of others to guide, train, and warn against Satan’s traps.” Wayne Roberts

The thought here does not encourage nor support “lording” over others. This was condemned by Jesus and Peter. Leaders must learn to distinguish between lording over others and the process of guiding, training, and warning against Satan’s traps.

SALT Fun Fact #5

“The world’s largest salt flat (4,000 square miles) is in Bolivia (Salar de Uyuni). It becomes mirror-like when a thin layer of water lies on top. This reflectivity makes it a very useful tool in calibrating scientific equipment from outer space. Real leaders lead by example. That example should be a reflection of the best we can be and one that sets the standard by which others can measure themselves.” Wayne Roberts

Scripture continually emphasizes the need for leaders to set an example, following the example of Christ that others may understand the standard they must follow. They must see it first and then emulate it.

SALT Fun Fact #4

“The expression ‘salty dog’ comes from the practice of European hunters who rubbed salt on the backs of prized hunting dogs to prevent ticks. It came to refer to anyone who was a friend or favorite person. Real leaders recognize the value of people and they recognize their role in equipping people to reach their full potential.” Wayne Roberts

One of the most significant lessons and needs within leadership involves the ability to recognize the value of others and the responsibility of leaders to equip others to reach their potential in kingdom service.

SALT Fun Fact #3

“The word ‘salary’ comes from the Latin word ‘salarium,’ which has the root ‘sal’ (salt). In ancient Rome, a Roman soldier was given a handful of salt, an expensive but essential commodity, along with his pay. There may also be a connection in the fact that Roman soldiers protected the Via Salaria (salt road) leading to Rome. Real leaders are more than those who are paid for a service. They pave the way and help protect others along the way through their continued leadership.” Wayne Roberts

Wayne’s thoughts regarding salt and the responsibility of Roman soldiers are a powerful reminder of our influence and responsibility as leaders today.

SALT Fun Fact #2

In keeping with our focus on SALT, today provides another Fun Fact to consider.

“Not far from the edge of the Dead Sea stands a geological formation made up of primarily salt. It has gained the name “Lot’s wife” for its human like shape and the possibility that it overlooks the location of ancient Sodom. It is not only a reminder of the importance of heeding God’s instruction, it is also a lesson for leaders. Looking back is not wise. Honoring the past is fine, but looking and longing for past success, past programs, or past people will lead only to stagnation. Leadership is forward looking.” Wayne Roberts

The future awaits those who realize the promise of God’s power to achieve far more, abundantly beyond all we ask or think (Ep. 3:20).

SALT Fun Fact #1

A great friend and colleague recently shared a number of fun facts about salt, which directly relate to leadership. Let me share one with you.

Salt (sodium chloride) is extremely stable and does not loose its saltiness. But it can be so diluted by surrounding minerals that its saltiness is of little influence. The same is true with leadership. When diluted by worldliness, personal ambition, or negative influence, it is of little influence.” Wayne Roberts

“You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste, how will its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled under people’s feet.” Mt. 5:13

Thank you, Wayne.


Earlier this month I became the director of SALT (Sunset Academy of Leadership Training).

Although there is a new look and I have a new position, the purpose and direction are the same. The plan is to create healthier churches through leadership development.

Current leaders may need help creating a vision, establishing and strategically planning how to achieve smart goals, or church growth.

We also prepare future leaders through character development and strengthening conviction, passion, and perseverance.

And we assess the make up of a congregation on a spirituality spectrum that aids leaders in knowing members better.

Whatever the congregation may need, we are excited to provide the tools and expertise to help.

Leading by Choice…

The Arbinger Institute’s book, Leadership and Self-Deception, is amazing. There are numerous lessons, but here’s the idea.

We know the right choice to make, but do not make it. We betray ourselves and get into a box of self-deception.

When this happens, we elevate our own virtues and inflate the faults of others, casting blame on their motives, abilities, attitudes, and work ethic.

This vicious cycle keeps us in conflict. We blame others for the problem, yet ignore the real problem centered on a choice we made and our need to justify that choice.

How can we get out of this box? Read the book.

Higher Morality Leadership…

Higher morality calls us to a greater hope, but the only way is through understanding, faith, and a respect for the authority of God’s word. Without it, what purpose is there for achieving a higher morality?

After receiving the 2004 Nobel Peace Prize, Wangari Maathai said, “In the course of history, there comes a time when humanity is called to shift to a new level of consciousness, to reach a higher moral ground. A time when we have to shed our fear and give hope to each other. That time is now.”

Fifteen years have passed since this thought was expressed and it is just as relevant and needed today.