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Leaders Listen…Part 1

One of the most challenging, yet key elements in communication is the ability to listen.

There are several reasons leaders must learn the art of listening.

Learning to listen connects us to people on greater levels.
Learning to listen gains a better understanding of their needs.
Learning to listen develops stronger concentration.
Learning to listen shows we care.

The message is not always conveyed through words. Tone of voice and body language play a significant role in the message communicated. We must listen with our ears, eyes, and heart.

As challenging as it is, learning to listen changes the nature of our leadership.

Responsible Leadership…

We live in a culture much like other cultures in generations before us. People desire greatness, but avoid responsibility. Yet, we find several unavoidable applications to this idea of responsibility. Sir Winston Churchill said, “The price of greatness is responsibility.”

Responsibility involves duty over someone or something.
Responsibility brings accountability.
Responsibility indicates an obligation.
Responsibility brings an opportunity to act independently and make decisions.
Responsibility determines greatness.

When leaders are responsible, and willing to take responsibility, it inspires others to follow.

Responsibility is the price to be paid. Greatness is the prize.

The Time Is Now…

Today is the first day of the rest of our life. Now is the acceptable time. 

It is time…

It is time for leaders to stand up and lead.
It is time to be men and women of God.
It is time to fulfill our role and responsibility in the home.
It is time for Christians to speak up about their faith.

All we have is right now, and it is time. Do not waste what God has given us. Take advantage of the time we are given and begin now!

It is time to make a difference.

Give It Another Try…

We’ve all heard, “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.”

The idea is to persevere, never give up. 

Regardless of the goal, or task to reach the goal, facing difficulty or defeat can dishearten anyone from running the race with endurance.

If the goal is worth the effort, then we need to persevere.
If we have the needed resources to succeed, then try again.
If there is an opportunity, then keep working at it.

When we think we have reached the end of the line, perhaps giving it one more try, will change it all.

A Matter Of Urgency…

In spiritual leadership, matters of importance are usually set aside for what appears urgent. A friend of mine calls it the “tyranny of the urgent.”

These matters become a distraction, often in the form of emails, texts, phone calls, PMs, and more.

We place immediacy, a sense of urgency, prioritizing these less important matters when, in reality, they are not important.

When we examine our spiritual leadership, what is important or urgent? What requires our immediate attention and action? Do these matters distract or aid us in what is most important?

We need to take what is truly important and make it urgent! Think Souls!

Seeing Him Who Is Unseen…

This statement deals with more than just “seeing” God. What exactly is involved? Consider a little background.

We must consider where we have been. Consider the past year. What mistakes were made? What successes were enjoyed? Was God part of the equation?

We must also consider where we are right now. Are we where we need to be at this time? Will this place provide a basis for where we need to go? Is God part of the equation?

Now we can formulate plans on where to go from here. Seeing God’s part in our past and present allows us to see His hand in our future.

If God is not part of the equation, we do not have a clear vision!

Eliciting Leadership Greatness…

Leadership is often viewed as influencing and instilling greatness in others. However, true leadership brings out the greatness already inside others?

John Buchan said, “The task of leadership is not to put greatness into people, but to elicit it, for the greatness is there already.”

Consider how we can achieve this:

Believe people have greatness within.
Arrange opportunities to be responsible and accountable.
Allow them to fail.
Provide support when they do.
Create a team atmosphere.

These are just five suggestions, but when applied, they help us truly lead.

A Thankful Leader…

When businesses host a “Customer Appreciation Day,” they offer special pricing to express their gratitude to customers.

Appreciation is best summed up in the depth of our gratitude. Cicero claimed; “gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all others.” (Cicero, ‘Pro Plancio,’ 54 B.C.)

When was the last time we expressed gratitude?
What actions or qualities move us to be thankful?
How often do we express our gratitude?
Have we considered why we are thankful?

Let us express gratitude for the physical and spiritual ways God has blessed our lives. To Him be the glory.

Dealing with Obligations…

An obligation is an act or course of action to which a person is morally or legally bound; a duty or commitment.

While it is impossible to force someone to do anything, we tend to use our skills of persuasion whenever we can to motivate others into action.

When we consider leadership, we need to examine our obligation to Christ and others.

We have tasted the grace of God. We enjoy the gift of salvation. Just the thought carries a moral and spiritual obligation.

Considering our obligation highlights the need to commit ourselves to lead others to heaven.

Paying the Price…

There are no free lunches. The cost of living rises daily. We get it! However, this post is not about the cost of living increases felt around the world. 

Knowing the eternal significance of our leadership should move us to give serious consideration to a greater matter. 

What price are we willing to pay? What sacrifice are we willing to make? To what length are we willing to go? What obstacles are we willing to overcome to lead others?

The reward is worth the price required.

The question is simple: Are we willing to pay it? Think Souls!