Category: Uncategorized

Where Are We Headed?

Where are we going? Do we know? What will we need to do to get there? How will we know when we arrive?

When traveling, we understand the need to have a map––at least a plan––to reach our destination in a proper amount of time.

Physically, we make application of this daily. What we think about in terms of spiritual matters is a completely different story.

However, the spiritual approach is no different. We know the destination and we desire to get there. We anticipate the arrival, but do we know what needs to be done to get there?

If we are not careful, it is easy to get caught up in the physical areas of life and think less about the spiritual. We then expect God to just “take care of it.”

Since our destination is heaven, the map––plan––we need to consult is laid out through the pages of God’s word.

We would think someone foolish not to follow a map to a destination they have never been before. If so, then how much more foolish when the eternal destination is far more consequential?

One in a Million…

How much money is regularly spent on a chance to win millions of dollars?

Regardless of the odds, most people believe they have a shot to win. For those who do win, the responsibility that accompanies these winnings is overwhelming.

Turn the page and consider the odds of hearing the Gospel. What chance is there, out of all the people on the planet who have never even heard the name of Jesus, you and I heard it?

Why were we blessed with the opportunity to hear the Gospel when so many in the world hear an altered version if they hear it at all?

Maybe this is the first time we have considered these questions. However, we need to recognize the responsibility that comes with this opportunity.

Should we keep it to ourselves? Can we really go through each day without considering the numbers of those who walk through life unaware of what awaits in eternity?

As Christians, we are blessed among all people. This blessing is one meant to be shared, leading others to a hope of something beyond what even winning millions of dollars offers. Think Souls!

An Uncomfortable Leader…

Occasionally, an expression makes us uncomfortable. Such is the case with a statement from Neal Donald Walsch, “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone. So if you’re feeling uncomfortable right now, know that the change taking place in your life is a beginning, not an ending.”

Getting out of the rut to think or try something different is not usually on the agenda.

Interestingly, the success of leadership depends on the ability, or maybe the flexibility, to recognize the limits of our comfort zone and how life begins at that point.

Recently, we discussed insanity: doing the same things in the same way, yet expecting different results.

The main thought here is known as the comfort zone. We do this because its where we operate most comfortably.

Imagine the change in following God within the Jewish nation after 1,500+ years of the same approach, and now something occurred far different than their comfort zone.

Leadership operates the same. We are not talking unscriptural, but when ideas and plans are introduced that make us uncomfortable, maybe life is just beginning.

Multicultural Leadership…

To say we live in a multicultural society is a gross understatement. We can no longer think about what might come in the future; it is already on our doorstep. Additionally, we cannot think about what we will do when it happens. Clearly, multiculturalism has been here for a long time.

If we are not knowledgeable about or preparing more fervently to address it, we are way behind.

The challenge is determining how we can best approach leading within a multicultural context. A few considerations:

  1. Stop procrastinating and gain a better understanding of multiculturalism. Trying to deny or ignore that it exists will only create greater problems.
  2. Get immersed in developing relationships across those cultural boundaries. Cultural boundaries exist everywhere, not just geographically.
  3. Remember, we are participating in a small part of what God has done and continues to do. Who knows but we are here for such a time as this.

The depth of the subject far exceeds the expectations of one post. However, the subject is essential for the present and future understanding of leadership.

Don’t Just Sit There…

Will Rogers once said, ”Even if you are on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.”

This idea has implications in every area of life, but certainly in the areas of leadership. Take time to read it again and consider the following ideas.

First, the implication is that we are on the right track. Some people are on the wrong track, and whether they sit still or move in the same direction, if it is the wrong track there are consequences.

Second, there is an intentionality to the idea expressed. We are talking about movement and an intentional movement in the right direction.

Third, the possibility of being run over are great enough when we are moving, but sitting still assures a destructive result, which no one wants to happen.

Fourth, sitting in the same place is not an option. Even if we are on the right track, immobility creates a negative impact on the morale of others, especially followers.

One thought, but it is power packed with information. Think about how it impacts our leadership.

Leadership Insanity…

Perhaps you are familiar with the idea of insanity: “doing the same things in the same way and expecting different results.”

As amazing as it may sound, we often practice a level of insanity when approaching our leadership, we want to do the same things the way we have always done them, yet expect different results.

Our culture has changed. Demographics have changed. We have changed, whether we want to admit it or not.

What we need is a little sanity. By definition, the idea of sanity speaks of reasonable and rational behavior. Now there are two powerful words for leaders to learn.

The thought expressed does not mean we never take risks, nor does it mean we are unwilling to make changes.

The thought behind sanity involves making sure we investigate the facts, consider the pros and cons, and implement change with a reasonable approach for what is best.

We are not talking about something that is unscriptural, but rather not being tied to the traditions of men as binding for eternity.

Sanity or insanity: that is the question.

A Positive Spin on Negativity…

Today’s post begs a question of possibility. Is it possible in our culture to avoid negativity? The answer is, no!

We cannot completely avoid negativity. Sadly, we are surrounded by it. We often face so much negativity it is difficult to see much positive.

Since, we cannot avoid negativity, what can we do to limit its influence, or put a positive spin on it?

First, prayer is where it all starts. God promises to answer, so why not begin at His throne and seek guidance in overcoming the issue.

Second, focus on spending time with people who are positive. If we struggle to deal with negativity, a good dose of optimism from friends is a another place to help.

Third, the material we read and the messages we hear need to ring with optimism. Turning off the television is a positive beginning point. Read a good book…hey, the Bible is a good thought.

Fourth, commit to saying at least five positive things every day. Once we are comfortable with five, increase the number by five.

Much more could be said, but this is a positive start in the right direction.

Familiar Leadership…

Familiarity can be a double-edged sword. On one hand, the more familiar we are with the person or circumstances, the easier it is to take advantage of the situation, have an unhealthy level of contentment, or develop a lesser sense of urgency.

On the other hand, having familiarity instills confidence in the consistency of character or desired outcomes, especially when we talk about leadership.

Developing a familiarity between leaders and followers takes time and a process that involves several key factors.

A mutual respect for the life experiences of each other builds a stronger relationship of trust in the common goals and expectations of the group.

Another critical component to familiarity is to share life experiences with each other. The biblical teaching of “weep with those who weep and rejoice with those who rejoice” must be applied.

Create an open door policy that contributes to the approachability of everyone involved. Achieving this task is not easy, but the results bring lasting leadership.

More could be said, but how we address familiarity can hinder or strengthen our leadership.

Ability versus Character…

John Wooden is famous for many reasons, one of which is his leadership thoughts. One of the many quotes used in leadership circles states, “Ability may get you to the top, but it takes character to keep you there.”

The thought he expresses here speaks to one of the most significant areas about leadership.

We have all seen people with great ability, college and professional athletes, musicians, and others in the entertainment field. We also know that many who possess this great ability often demonstrate little character.

Without character, regardless of the ability, it is impossible to have lasting leadership. Nothing could be more true in connection to spiritual leaders.

Perhaps the major difference is the idea of being at the top, because spiritual leadership is about the humility to be at the bottom and to remain humble enough to stay there.

This is where leadership character is needed.

When spiritual influence is guided by a humble spirit, character seems to naturally follow. The combination of the two provides the staying power of a Christlike leadership needed today.

Happy Thanksgiving…

On this day we take time to express thanksgiving. We want you to know how thankful we are for you and your support of The Leadership Project. May this day be filled with wonderful memories.

Happy Thanksgiving
The Leadership Project.