Tag: Actions

Head and Heart Leadership

Using our head in leading means we:
…think before we speak or act.
…consider the short- and long-term consequences of our words and actions.
…weigh the evidence and ask evaluating questions before making decisions.

Using our heart in leading means we:
…devote ourselves to learning and serving the needs of others.
…prioritize our time toward relationship development.
…risk temporary satisfaction for eternal gain.

If we work to develop and practice a more “others-focused” approach, the future will take on a whole new perspective.

Testify, Magnify, and Glorify

I once saw an email tag with this phrase: “let my words testify…let my actions magnify…let my heart glorify the Lord.”

The words we speak, the actions we demonstrate, and the attitudes we portray become the building blocks for our leadership.

The church, the world, co-workers, friends, neighbors, and our family are all watching. They measure our character by the words and actions that display our attitude.

Spiritual leaders must constantly and diligently guard every aspect of life.

Let our words testify…Let our actions magnify…Let our hearts glorify the Lord.

The Actions of a Leader

Words can be twisted to mean something different than were originally intended. They can be taken out of context and used against us. The same was true of Jesus, as religious leaders tried to trap Him in His words.

However, their greatest struggle was determining what to do with the fact His actions were amazing, miraculous. Peter reminds us that He went about doing good.

Nicholas Sparks said, ““You’re going to come across people in your life who will say all the right words at all the right times. But in the end, it’s always their actions, not words, that matter.”

A great lesson for leaders.

Reaching Potential

How do we recognize the potential of an individual or a congregation? Actions, Ability, and Attitude.

Is it possible to take these three areas, grow in them, and reach our ultimate potential? Absolutely!!! How?

Stop limiting God. Never think God “will not” do something because we think we “can’t”.

Start thinking BIG! Imagine what God could do through us if we started to think BIG!

Tell others about the possibilities. Telling others moves them into action, so start talking.

Develop a plan into smaller sections.
These smaller sections make the plan workable.

Begin NOW! Procrastination and hesitation are killers to our potential. Don’t wait. Get started.

Potential is too important to wait.

Good Intentions

Generally, leaders have good intentions. Their intentions are to do what is right for others. However, we know that good intentions are not always enough. Good intentions do not mean actions are aligned correctly. How can this be improved?

1) Make sure our intentions are based on the facts, not assumptions.
2) Before acting, think about how our actions will be perceived.
3) It never hurts to tell someone our intentions before acting on them.

Having good intentions is important, but following through on our intentions will bring an accurate response to help those who follow.

Letting God Down

Few people think about what happens when they let someone down.

Sadly, our desire to not let someone down leads us to try and please everyone. Even though we know it is impossible, we still try.

Have we ever considered how our decisions, words, or actions let God down? Spiritual leadership carries some of the greatest responsibility on earth and we never want to let those we lead down. Above all, we never want to let our God down.

If we focus on Him and pursue His will, we may let someone down, but our relationship with God remain secure.

Influence…Part 1

Jesus described His disciples as salt and light. These terms identify influence in the realm to which they are applied. Thus, Christians are to be an influence in the world.

Our influence is determined by words, attitudes, conduct / behavior, and activities.

Christians have been known to get as close to the line of worldliness as possible in order to have this influence. Many have selected close relationships with non-Christians with this in mind. Sadly, the influence is often reversed and Christians can be drawn away from their convictions.

Let us be careful how we influence others.

The Message of Leadership

We all send messages by our words and actions. What kind of message do we send?

Leaders ensure the right message is sent and received, but how?

Use the right source for the message. God’s word, the right source for the message is beyond comparison.

Build character on that foundation. Godly character walks away from the grave above all else.

Live accordingly.
Everyone watches and measures our conduct with our faith. Make sure they align.

Gauge the impact in relationship to the source
. Learn to think before speaking and consider how our words make a difference.

Influential Leader

A word expressed or action taken can change a situation in ways that leave a lasting impression.

People always watch and listen. They measure the strength of our character by the consistency of our words and actions.

Before we speak, think about the consequences. Once the words are spoken we cannot take them back.

Our actions have a similar impact. Interestingly enough, we may participate in an activity that does not characterize who we are, yet when seen, the consequences are nearly impossible to correct.

Our influence is too valuable to give little thought to the consequences of our choices and influence.

Leadership Potential…

Potential involves the possibility of something occurring if the right conditions or circumstances are in place as well as the capacity of someone to become or develop into something in the future.

How do leaders determine someone’s potential?

Three basic areas exist.

1) Actions. What has been done in the past lays a foundation for the future.
2) Abilities. No one can grow beyond their abilities, but they can change with training and practice.
3) Attitude. When a positive attitude exists, along with determination, potential is unlimited.

When leaders recognize potential, they can set greater goals for the future.