Tag: Activity

The Process of Leading

The difficulty that arises in leadership is often connected to learning how to work through any process in order to reach the desired end.

Sadly, learning the process is where the problems begin to surface. The process of one activity or location may not be the same process in another.

The protocol changes depending on the people, culture, and model established.

When we are able to determine the process and work within it, we develop a greater measure of credibility and gain the kind of influence that assists us in becoming the people God intends.

Leadership Identity…

Identity is important, but there are several questions to consider related to this concept.

How would we identify what we do? Our activities indicate a significant role. If our focus is spiritual, then our role has a heavenly identification.

How would we identify who we are affiliated with? If we belong to Christ, then our character will reflect a Christlike spirit.

How would we identify the reason we are here? The activities we carry out should clearly identify the reason we are here?

A few simple questions can help us consider the value of identifying what, who, and how when it comes to our leadership.

Assessing Our Leadership…

Leadership development must have a means by which we measure or determine specified growth or advancement.

But how can we assess our leadership accurately?

First, consider the activity of followers. If there is no activity, we are not growing. Growth is measured by application.

Second, examine feedback responses. Positive and negative feedback have a powerful place when assessing growth and development.

Third, find a mentor. We cannot overstate the value of a mentor who will examine our leadership and provide feedback to grow.

While there are many other suggestions, leadership development is critical to the growth and advancement of any work.