Tag: Bible

Where to Turn

Everything learned about leadership simply indicates there is more to learn. The amount of information readily accessible is overwhelming.

There is no end to the books, articles, blog posts, and classes available on the subject.

Where will leaders find the help to grow in their leadership?

Turn to God. The best leadership book available is the Bible.

Turn to other godly leaders. Seek the help of others and learn at their feet.

Turn inward for reflection. Reflect on how God continues to work throughout the journey.

These do not exhaust the possibilities, but they do provide benefit from each learning moment.

Relevant Leadership…

In education, one motivating factor that contributes to learning is relevance of the material. When the objectives are clearly relevant, students are more driven to learn.

On a spiritual level, if any generation is to be reached, we must show how God’s word is relevant. The message never changes, but how we present the relevance of the message does.

Engaging others to follow our leadership hinges on relevance.

The beauty of God’s word is based on the fact it was written with every generation in mind. The challenge is relevance.

Leading as God designed requires an understanding of how to make the message relevant.

A Contrast in Leadership

Throughout the Bible we find numerous contrasts made by various people.

Jesus talked about the contrast of light and darkness, building on sand or the rock, dividing the saved from the lost.

James talked about the rich and poor, wisdom from above with earthly, natural, and demonic wisdom.

Paul also contrasted the flesh and spirit, the strong from the weak, along with life and death.

These are only a few of the contrasts seen throughout the New Testament.

Our leadership needs to be strikingly different from everything else. When the Word is our foundation, Jesus our Lord, God our Father, and heaven our focus, then our leadership will be strikingly different.

Disciplined Leaders…Part 1

The concept of discipline is prevalent throughout the Bible.

The difference between the lifestyle of the world and Christianity is one of discipline.

The Christian life is built upon discipline, or as it is often identified, self-control. However, there is a difference in these two terms. While there are areas that overlap between them, discipline adds the practices and habits of life that lend to character development. Self-control is more specific to controlling self in the area of emotions and desires.

The challenge introduced here involves learning how to develop the kind of discipline that sets Christians apart from the rest of the world.

Inspiring Leadership

Biblically, we know that God inspired the authors of the Old and New Testaments to write with accuracy the words penned throughout each book and letter.

God did not remove the style, history, or culture of each person. He ensured that what was written was accurate and complete.

Although they are not inspired, leaders today should consider how they can inspire others to reach their potential.

Our son, Chase, once said, “You don’t have to be inspired to be inspiring.” With a little effort, each of us can achieve so much for the cause of our Lord and inspire others along the way.

Missional Leaders

Being prepared is foundational to influence. When challenged or questioned, we must be ready.

Peter reminds Christians to always be ready (1 Pe. 3:15). Ask yourself, “Am I ready?

Preparation is connected to a few key principles.

1. Understand the urgency of the situation. Preparation can make the difference.
2. Recognize that answers are found in the Bible. God provided a tool to prepare us. Know it!
3. Ask others for assistance. The wisdom of others can improve who we are and what we do.

Are you ready? A few simple steps will help you get there.

An Extraordinary God…

Is it extraordinary or extra – ordinary?

Either way, God worked through ordinary men and women in the Bible and made them extraordinary.

Intrigued by a burning bush, Moses approached to examine what he had never seen before. On God’s mountain, he learned how an ordinary bush can be extraordinary when it is on fire with divine activity.

We are just ordinary human beings, but when we are on fire with the divine activity of God in our lives, everything changes.

Nothing miraculous, just a simple understanding of who God is, what He has done, and what He will do.

Now that is extraordinary.

Qualified Leaders…

When someone is qualified, they are recognized as someone trained to perform a specific job or task. A level of competency is associated with this recognition.

The Bible speaks about qualities all Christians should strive to achieve. We may not achieve all of them, but we can still lead others.

Leadership is about influence. We strive to influence others for the cause of Christ. As a Christian, our qualification to lead others is built on the blood of Jesus.

The stronger our faith becomes, the more our confidence grows, and the greater our influence. This type of leadership is needed in the kingdom.

God’s Mission for Leaders…

Nothing is more important to leaders than God’s mission.

From Genesis through Revelation, God has guided, directed, moved, ushered, and advanced His will through individuals and nations to ultimately provide an avenue to reconcile all of humanity to Himself through Jesus.

The lessons presented throughout the Bible help us understand a direction for leading God’s people today based on the divine principles practiced throughout biblical history.

Humility, courage, trust, and service are all characteristics found in leaders through whom God displayed His power, wisdom and presence.

Success is the result of fulfilling God’s mission on earth. Let us live to carry out that mission.

Lessons from the Wilderness…

Wilderness is an interesting study in the Bible. Time spent in a physical or mental wilderness is a common thread among the leaders of God’s people.

Remember Joseph? From slavery to the dungeon, God developed a leader who saved His people.

How about Moses? Throughout his 40 years in Midian, God developed Moses to lead Israel.

After 40 days of fasting in the wilderness, Jesus was tempted, yet resolved.

What is it about the wilderness that helps prepare God’s people to lead?

A walk through the wilderness is neither desired or pleasant. However, the time provides opportunities for growth and prepares us to lead God’s people.