Tag: Bible

An Extraordinary God…

Is it extraordinary or extra – ordinary?

Either way, God worked through ordinary men and women in the Bible and made them extraordinary.

Intrigued by a burning bush, Moses approached to examine what he had never seen before. On God’s mountain, he learned how an ordinary bush can be extraordinary when it is on fire with divine activity.

We are just ordinary human beings, but when we are on fire with the divine activity of God in our lives, everything changes.

Nothing miraculous, just a simple understanding of who God is, what He has done, and what He will do.

Now that is extraordinary.

Qualified Leaders…

When someone is qualified, they are recognized as someone trained to perform a specific job or task. A level of competency is associated with this recognition.

The Bible speaks about qualities all Christians should strive to achieve. We may not achieve all of them, but we can still lead others.

Leadership is about influence. We strive to influence others for the cause of Christ. As a Christian, our qualification to lead others is built on the blood of Jesus.

The stronger our faith becomes, the more our confidence grows, and the greater our influence. This type of leadership is needed in the kingdom.

God’s Mission for Leaders…

Nothing is more important to leaders than God’s mission.

From Genesis through Revelation, God has guided, directed, moved, ushered, and advanced His will through individuals and nations to ultimately provide an avenue to reconcile all of humanity to Himself through Jesus.

The lessons presented throughout the Bible help us understand a direction for leading God’s people today based on the divine principles practiced throughout biblical history.

Humility, courage, trust, and service are all characteristics found in leaders through whom God displayed His power, wisdom and presence.

Success is the result of fulfilling God’s mission on earth. Let us live to carry out that mission.

Lessons from the Wilderness…

Wilderness is an interesting study in the Bible. Time spent in a physical or mental wilderness is a common thread among the leaders of God’s people.

Remember Joseph? From slavery to the dungeon, God developed a leader who saved His people.

How about Moses? Throughout his 40 years in Midian, God developed Moses to lead Israel.

After 40 days of fasting in the wilderness, Jesus was tempted, yet resolved.

What is it about the wilderness that helps prepare God’s people to lead?

A walk through the wilderness is neither desired or pleasant. However, the time provides opportunities for growth and prepares us to lead God’s people.

Leading God’s Family…

Nothing is more comforting than going home after being away.

The defining qualities of home make all the difference.

Home is special because we belong, we are members of a family or household.

Spiritually, the church is where we belong, where we are members of God’s family. Perhaps this is why the Bible speaks of the eternal dwelling God has prepared for us.

While on earth, the church should provide the same comforts of home.

Opposite of the corporate body, often connected to the church, leaders need to encourage and strengthen the idea of the church as family…home.

A Godly Leader…

The Bible often speaks of being set apart, or holy. David emphatically claimed we should “…know that the Lord has set apart the godly man for Himself; the Lord hears when I call to Him.”

This is such a powerful thought. God has taken action toward the godly for Himself, which highlights a special relationship between God and the godly. The result is followed by activity.

Tremble…and do not sin.
Meditate…and be still.
Offer the sacrifices of righteousness.
Trust in the Lord.

The combination of these four areas provides a powerful foundation for the success of a godly leader.

The Lord, Our Example…

Nearing the end of Psalms we find a poetic passage that highlights several areas about the Lord, declaring why He is worthy to be praised. He is…

Creator of heaven and earth.
Executor of justice for the disadvantaged.
Provider of sustenance for those in need.
Healer of the afflicted.
Exalter of the downtrodden.
Compassionate to the upright.
Protector of strangers.
Supporter of the orphan and widow.
Frustrater of wicked ways.
Ruler of all.

These ten words are laced throughout the Bible and provide strength to the weak, comfort for the discouraged, and protection for the vulnerable.
Leaders understand and practice the same.

The Heart of Leadership…

What we do for others is where leadership shines. Determining what is in the best interest of others must drive our leadership.

Lewis Carroll summarized it this way, “One of the secrets of life is that all that is really worth the doing is what we do for others.”

We find this common thread throughout the Bible. Reading the book of Philippians quickly reveals the need to have the same mind as Christ, the mind of a humble spirit that regarded others as more important than Himself.

This is the heart of leadership and the future of the church in this world.

Pleasing Everyone…

An effort to please everyone is doomed to fail. Marco Rubio said, “We live in a society obsessed with public opinion. But leadership has never been about popularity.”

Sadly, the adage about the “squeaky wheel” is true. Those who complain the most and loudest tend to get action.

The church needs leaders who… 1) examine scripture to ensure decisions are biblical, 2) do not follow the flow of modern popularity, 3) never rush a decision, but do not hesitate between two opinions either, 4) make the decision, 5) remember, not every decision will please everyone.

The responsibility of decisive leadership is crucial to the future.

A Legacy to Remember…

My father’s legacy consisted of the following.

For 30+ years he read the New Testament every month and the Old Testament twice each year.

He preached the gospel for over 50 years.

He was married to the same wonderful woman for 60 years, father to 4 children, grandfather to 9 grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren.

He developed a series of lessons to share the gospel in a simplistic way with others.

He lived in and by God’s Word. He knew THE book!

He died with his Bible opened to the passage he was studying for his next sermon. Take a moment to read Philippians 2:16. 

He led untold numbers of people to know Jesus.

These are a few ways his legacy leaves an incredible example to follow.