Tag: Biblical

Prescriptive Help

Jim Rohn expresses an incredible thought: “If someone is going down the wrong road, he doesn’t need motivation to speed him up. What he needs is education to turn him around.”

The basic understanding of a leader is someone who is able to move others from point A to point B.

A biblical development of leadership prescribes the idea of helping those who are outside of Christ (point A) to turn from a self-directed life to obediently follow the Savior (point B).

A key element of this prescriptive help is an education built on biblical truth.


Leaders often struggle with making decisions.

Leaders need to practice the following: 1) examine the scripture to make sure that a decision is biblical and not just follow the flow of popularity or opinion, 2) never rush a decision, but do not hesitate between two opinions either, 3) if the decision is right, then make it, 4) remember, not every decision will please everyone.

The next generation of leaders needs to learn how to make sound, biblical decisions.

More could be said, but the responsibility of training the next generation of leaders to be decisive is crucial to the future.

A Leader Worth Following

As leaders, several questions are important to consider regarding principles.

1) Why should we have principles to govern behavior?
2) What rule or belief governs our personal behavior?
3) Do we have a rule or belief in place for this purpose?
4) Are these rules or beliefs based on humanistic or biblical foundations?
5) Will others see consistency between our principles and behavior?

A life lived by biblical principles will always influence others. Consistently living by our principles directly connects to the integrity needed for powerful leadership.

When leaders answer these questions in relationship to principles and behavior, the steps to harmonize them develops a leader worth following.

Unsuspecting Leadership

When leadership exists without the suspicion of motives and actions on the part of followers, a environment exists described as unsuspecting leadership.

When a leader’s character exemplifies the kind of integrity that is built on values of godliness, then the motives and actions of the leader are not questioned by followers.

The beauty of biblical leadership is found when both ideas are present in the relationship. The result displays trust, not a trust that is superficial, but one that provides transparency and strengthens the core of the church.

Developing this relationship takes time. Quality and durability are rarely the reward of implementing something quickly.

Circle of Safety

Mark Twain expressed the following idea, “Great things can happen if we don’t care who gets the credit.”

John Maxwell took this idea to another level saying, “Great things can and actually do happen when we give others the credit.”

We know from a biblical perspective that spiritual leadership will not allow a self-centered attitude to exist. Instead, scripture indicates over and over the need to seek after the well-being of others.

Jesus provided this example for us and He desires we pursue the same direction. The result might just develop what Simon Sinek refers to as a “Circle of Safety.”

The Urgency of Leadership

A description of the need to study leadership covers a wide spectrum. God’s design is the overarching premise by which we understand the necessity of leadership.

The lack of leadership, or the representation of poor leadership, is plaguing the church.

Decisions are left to the majority vote in a men’s business or congregational meeting. Sadly, the minority generally rules when this occurs.

According to God’s design, elders (leaders) were appointed to shepherd and provide biblical direction for God’s people. When this does not occur, the church suffers.

Therefore, the urgency for biblical leadership must be a priority for His church today.


A few key facts about change.

First, we generally fear change. The older we get the more we dislike change.

Second, not all change is bad. Sometimes change is good.

Third, change is biblical. Repentance means change.

Fourth, change is part of growth.

Where we need to focus is on changing ourselves. Jesus addressed this in Matthew 7:1-5. Most of the world knows verse one, but the idea is we need to look at ourselves and make the needed changes before attempting to help others change.

Path of Leadership

The path of leadership development will not be an easy task for anyone, anywhere. The benefits, however, are far more valuable than the consequences of denying or ignoring the present circumstances.

Consider the benefits of the path before us:

Stronger leadership: The unified strength of numerous leaders multiplies the results of what can be accomplished.

Spiritual guidance: The potential of developing leaders provides a spiritual foundation that increases biblical guidance.  

Succession plan: Developing stronger, spiritual leaders only for the present potentially leaves a generation not knowing God.

The path of leadership development must go beyond this generation. When this happens, we walk the right path.


Our family has experienced transitions on several fronts. Multiple moves from one city and state to another is challenging. Add to that a change in culture and climate, the challenges increase. Transitions may or may not be as difficult as a major move, but they introduce challenges nonetheless.

The church continues to face transitions.

Regardless of where we stand on the challenges introduced during a time of transition, the bottom line is the same. Without solid, biblically guided leadership the time of transition will make or break the direction of growth.

The church cannot grow beyond the strength of its leadership.

How Will We Lead?

How will we lead…

Our children? The choices they make, places they frequent, friends they associate with, and work ethic they possess.

Our church? The confidence of the church, their hope for a better tomorrow, and their assurance of an eternal destiny.

Our neighbors? Who they seek during trials, where they turn with spiritual questions, and how they see Jesus.

Our friends? The development of a spiritual focus, thoughts of relationships, and how to deal with giving into temptation.

Our co-workers? Their knowledge of biblical principles, their understanding of character, and approach to life.

Considering their future is worth giving thought to how we will lead.