Tag: Biblical

Reflective Leaders

Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all?

While the literal thought may seem ridiculous, have we looked in the mirror lately? The idea of looking into a mirror dates back to Biblical times.

The concept can be literal or symbolic, physical or spiritual. James writes about the need to look into the mirror of God’s word and see if His word is reflected in our lives.

Sadly, mirrors have often become a tool of vanity.

Spiritual leaders need to desperately look into the mirror of their leadership.

Look intently. Examine beyond the surface. Make the changes needed. Lead with purpose based upon our true reflection.

Decisive Leadership

There are two key elements to being decisive we need to develop.

The first is the idea of sound decisions. The soundness of a decision is going to be subjective based on the moral compass of the individual. From a spiritual leadership perspective, the soundness of one’s decisions will be based on a Biblical compass.

The second involves the word timely. We have all heard, and perhaps experienced, the idea of “timing is everything.” With much prayer, spiritual leaders will seek to make decisions in keeping with God’s timing.

When we make decisions that are both sound and timely, our leadership develops greater credibility.


Why does the idea of “change” create such fear on the part of so many people? One possible answer is the idea that change brings something negative or bad. Change is also associated with introducing liberalism.

Change, however, can be a positive, powerful, and necessary approach to growth. Mandy Hale says, “Change can be scary, but you know what’s scarier? Allowing fear to stop you from growing, evolving, and progressing.”

Change is biblical; we call it repentance. It still means change.

Our fear of change must not stifle us from achieving all that God can do through us if we will but change.


One of my favorite leadership subjects is passion. Too many people lack passion in our world today. One reason is because so few understand what passion really means.

However, research shows the word passion originates from a Latin word meaning “to suffer.”

The significance of suffering is about the willingness of leaders to put the needs of others above themselves. It is a Biblical truth and the quality of great leadership will only be seen when leaders abandon a self-seeking worldly approach.

Be passionate, but understand what passion really means.

Lead Like Jesus

Often, the way we dress, where we live, the car we drive, the way we walk and talk is based on imitating someone else.

Leaders are not followed because they are like someone else, but because they know how to find their own voice. They are unique, a pioneer in their own rights.

Isn’t this what we seek from our leadership?

From a biblical perspective, we are to imitate Jesus. His leadership style set a precedent that revolutionized His era.

It is not popular in the world, but when leaders practice this same leadership style, a revolution will also occur today.

Reflection of a Leader

Have you looked in the mirror lately? The idea of looking into a mirror dates back to Biblical times.

Mirrors reflect the image standing before it. The concept can be literal or symbolic, physical or spiritual. James writes about the need to look into God’s word like a mirror and see how it is reflected in our lives.

Spiritual leaders need to desperately look into the mirror of their leadership. The image reflected helps determine the core of our existence and what we desire to accomplish.

Look intently. Examine beyond the surface. Make the changes needed. Lead with purpose based upon true reflection.

Honest Leadership

Honesty is critical to leadership, but not all leaders are honest. At times, they tend to tell “half-truths.”

Biblically, we know the necessity of honesty as a Christian virtue. Therefore, the application of honesty in biblical leadership is a natural reflection of what is expected by God and others.

Honesty is characterized in the words of David, describing the the power of biblical leadership in the one who “walks with integrity, and works righteousness, and speaks truth in his heart” (Ps. 15:2).

The emphasis of David provides a platform for leaders, describing both who they are and what they do.

Change in Leadership

Change exposes a number of feelings. For some, nothing is worse than change. The comfortability of the “rut” makes it nearly impossible to discuss change, let alone actually implement change.

For others, the idea of change is a daily part of life. Change is inevitable and, interestingly enough, change is biblical. A change must occur in order to leave the old life and exchange it for the new. Nothing rises to the top for leaders to learn than how to navigate change.

Consider something Tom Ziglar said, “Change starts with you, but it doesn’t start until you do.”

Pursue Your Passion

What leaders pursue is determined by the core values of their character. If their character is biblically based, the pursuit is divinely grounded.

The nature of your pursuits is supported by the passionate and driving force in your life.

At times, the direction may not be what you expect, or the most comfortable, yet it must be pursued.

What gets you up and out the door in the mornings? Are you passionate about and willing to give your life to pursue it, or will you wait until the opportunity passes you by?

Leaders shape the future by their pursuits and so will you.


Change is an idea worth our consideration in the area of biblical leadership.

Change is a biblical concept. Change is expressed in terms like return, repent, transform, restore, and other synonyms associated with it.

The kind of change worth making is intricately connected to “godly sorrow.” Change made simply because someone gets caught will not produce the right kind of change.

When change is based on an effort to live in harmony and fellowship with God, the change connects us to a life without regret and results in salvation.

Now, there is a change worth making.