Tag: Character

Confident Character

Confidence is connected to both the words and actions of an individual. Thus, there must also be a strong consistency in one’s character.

The lesson for leaders is nothing new.

For leaders to build the type of relationship with followers where trust exists, their character must be defined by consistency, which lays the foundation for their confidence.

This may be one of the truest approaches to defining integrity for spiritual leaders.

Leaders need to position their words and actions in such a way that their leadership portrays the confidence of someone whose life is consistent.


One of the most critical areas of leadership involves an understanding of confidentiality. Leaders must know how to keep something in confidence.

Confidentiality speaks to a sacred trust. Followers need to know they can place their lives into the hands of someone they trust.

1) When leaders keep confidentiality, relationships are built.
2) Confidentiality makes leaders approachable.
3) Doing so provides guidelines for developing greater leadership.
4) Keeping a confidence grows a more Christlike character.

Confidentiality is critical for leaders. They must guard what has been placed into their sacred trust. When they do, the resulting development of character builds a leadership worth following.

Spiritual Character

Although the author is unknown, the following statement is worth reading, “You attract people by the qualities you display. You keep them by the qualities you possess.”

One side of this thought identifies what people see, but the other side speaks to what people know about us.

Often times, leaders put forth a front that people see on the surface, but it may not truly portray the character of the individual.

We must focus on possessing the type of godly qualities demanded of spiritual leaders. The outward display that people see will naturally follow.

Genuineness #2

As we began yesterday, several ideas can help develop or improve a leader’s genuineness. In addition to the three we have already considered, here are four more.

1) Fairness and impartiality are essential when working with people.

2) Always begin and end with something nice and complementary.

3) Address the issues in your personal life before trying to help others.

4) Seek wise counsel and follow the suggestions provided.

The purpose behind the seven ideas we’ve discussed is not simply to develop leadership character, but to demonstrate a genuineness that builds confidence in those we influence every day.

Moment of Truth

The moment of truth is not measured by what a leader hopes, desires, or thinks might be needed.

The moment of truth is measured by what a leader does, the stand that is taken, and the demonstration of character when it is unpopular with the majority.

The time comes in every person’s life when they must decide how they will act or react to the environment or circumstances before them.

In that moment, the decision they make determines the effectiveness of each leader.

No pleasure, monetary prize, popularity, or status of prestige is worth compromising the truth and the principles of character that stand behind it.


Few ideas are more significant than the need for survival. For some, the need to find a meal for the day is a matter of survival. For some, getting through the day with their life is a matter of survival.

Leadership survival is an area of great need within the church of the twenty-first century.

Leaders must survive challenges to their leadership in matters of faith and practice.

Leaders must survive false accusations to their character by dissenters.

Leaders must develop survival skills against the forces of division.

When it comes to leadership, survival is a priority. Communicate it. Live by it.


Let me share a statement that grabbed my attention: “Remember that failure is an event, not a person.” Zig Ziglar

How many times have you thought or heard someone refer to themselves as a failure. Because they did not succeed at a specific task, they did not see the event as a failure, but themselves.

Sadly, we tend to carry this mentality over to the way we view other people. When others do not live up to “our” expectations or desires, we see them as a failure.

Quality leaders learn from the events (failures) in life and build their own character, or the character of someone else, to ultimately succeed.

A Leadership Challenge

While a challenge often involves a form of competition, the most relevant definition describes a task or situation that tests someone’s abilities.

Two primary thoughts should be considered in relationship to leaders.

1) Leaders must challenge themselves. We must find ways to test our abilities to strengthen the character of our leadership.

2) Leaders must challenge others. The idea is to present tasks or situations where the abilities of followers are tested to produce personal growth.

People arise to what is expected. If little or nothing is expected, then little or nothing is given. However, experience has proven that when leaders provide encouragement and expectation, followers come through.

Never Give Up

When we give up…

We lose the edge of our character and get discouraged.
We will wonder what could have happened “if” we had endured.
Someone else will lead, and their leadership may not be the right direction.
The opportunity to bring lasting change is delayed, if not eliminated.

The bottom line is – Satan wins!

Leadership has never been an easy road to walk. There are always problems to deal with and opposition to overcome.

However, we must not allow those obstacles and challenges to cause us to give up.

A little twist on an old adage may prove helpful, leaders never quit and quitters never lead.

Unsuspecting Leadership

When leadership exists without the suspicion of motives and actions on the part of followers, a environment exists described as unsuspecting leadership.

When a leader’s character exemplifies the kind of integrity that is built on values of godliness, then the motives and actions of the leader are not questioned by followers.

The beauty of biblical leadership is found when both ideas are present in the relationship. The result displays trust, not a trust that is superficial, but one that provides transparency and strengthens the core of the church.

Developing this relationship takes time. Quality and durability are rarely the reward of implementing something quickly.