Tag: Character

Ability and Character

John Wooden is famous for many reasons, one of which is his leadership thoughts. He once said, “Ability may get you to the top, but it takes character to keep you there.”

In the recent Olympics, we witnessed people with great ability, amazing talent.

However, many who possess great ability can demonstrate little character. Without character, regardless of the ability, it is impossible to have lasting leadership.

Perhaps the major difference is the idea of being at the top, because spiritual leadership is about the humility to be at the bottom and to remain humble enough to stay there.

This is where leadership character is demonstrated best.


Strategy is a plan of action to achieve a desired aim or goal.

While character is the core and must hold higher value than strategy, at the same time, strategy is needed.

Without strategy, who is going to do what, for whom, and when? Without strategy, there are no plans to reach a goal, regardless of the goal set before us.

We would be hard pressed to find an area of life where strategy is not involved at some level, especially in leadership.

Leaders need to establish goals AND a strategy for how to reach those goals, leading with the future in mind.

Moment of Truth

Not during times of comfort does the conviction of truth become critical, but when difficulties press in on the well-being of leaders.

The moment of truth is not measured by what a leader hopes, desires, or thinks is needed.

The moment of truth is measured by what a leader does, the stand they take, and the demonstration of character when it is not popular with the majority.

The time comes in the life of every person when they must decide how they are going to act or react to the circumstances before them.

In that moment, the decision that is made determines the effectiveness of each leader.

Decisions and Consequences

How often do we consider the consequences of a decision to get involved in an activity of questionable influence to our Christianity and leadership?

Leaders are to be active in assisting others in setting up for the long run. There is a great need to consider where we want to be in the future and what decisions will help us reach the destination with a strong godly character.

Every decision has some form of consequence, good or bad, now and in the long run.

A thoughtful process of examining these consequences will help us shape the future for our own lives and for those we lead.

Essence of Leadership

What is the essence of your leadership?

When others consider that indispensable quality that determines your character, how would they describe your leadership?

Is there any substance to the fundamental qualities of your leadership?

The essence of leadership needs to be built upon the ideas expressed by David when asking the questions connected to dwelling with God in Psalm 15: the one “who walks with integrity, works righteousness, and speaks truth in his heart.”

We often focus on the ideas of integrity, righteousness, and truth.

However, the idea behind walks, works, and speaks is significant to who a leader is, not just what they do.

The Faith of Leadership

When leadership is guided by God’s word, the results are significant.

There is confidence in knowing the direction is guided by God Himself. The wisdom and knowledge of God is the basis for the direction in His word. Leaders cannot go wrong with His guiding hand.

God’s word provides the greatest purpose for character formation. Leaders begin with developing themselves, and then lead others to demonstrate Christ-like character.

Leaders know there is strength when grounded in the truth. Overcoming the obstacles of leadership requires strength, not personal strength, but spiritual strength that is only found in truth.

Let us always lead by the faith.

Knowing God

Spiritual leadership involves qualities, traits, virtues, and principles that are instrumental in guiding one’s character formation.

The foundation is to know God.

Jesus said eternal life aligns with knowing God and the One sent by Him.

Paul also spoke of the significance of knowing God by claiming his willingness to count everything as loss for the “surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus” (Phil. 3:8).

Heritage, material possessions, academic achievement, and religious position were all worthless in view of this knowledge.

Leadership God’s way is driven by a passion to grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord.

Leading with Love

The character of love, as defined by God, is a love that is unmerited, steadfast, suffering, and knows no bounds. It should move us to consider that there is nothing we can do to make God love us more, and nothing we can do to make Him love us less. His very essence is love.

Love is always divinely defined by what is done for others, in this case, you and me.

In a marketing environment that is based on self-interest and one that puts a price on everything (and everyone), cultivating love will require a devotion of our time in building relationships.

This is the essence of leadership.


Communication becomes critical to the success of building relationships and reaching goals.

Leaders who communicate well are able to articulate the vision, inspire the actions of others, and strengthen the character of an organization to achieve long lasting rewards. This is what communication is all about.

However, the foundation for these areas is built upon knowing the people who are involved in the work, and this requires the ability to actively listen.

If we have any hope of preparing the next generation of leaders, we must listen. Remove distractions, focus on the person speaking, and truly listen.

A True Leader

Douglas MacArthur was known for his leadership, especially during the time of World War II.

He once said, “A true leader has the confidence to stand alone, the courage to make tough decisions, and the compassion to listen to the needs of others. He does not set out to be a leader, but becomes one by the equality of his actions and the integrity of his intent.”

Leaders need confidence in God and His power that works within us.
Leaders must choose courage when needed most.
Leaders must demonstrate the Christlike quality of compassion.
Leaders must be characterized by consistency.
Leaders must learn to walk with integrity.