Tag: Christ

Leadership Identity…

Identity is important, but there are several questions to consider related to this concept.

How would we identify what we do? Our activities indicate a significant role. If our focus is spiritual, then our role has a heavenly identification.

How would we identify who we are affiliated with? If we belong to Christ, then our character will reflect a Christlike spirit.

How would we identify the reason we are here? The activities we carry out should clearly identify the reason we are here?

A few simple questions can help us consider the value of identifying what, who, and how when it comes to our leadership.

A Balanced Leader…

We live in a world of extremes, either left or right, liberal or conservative, etc.

The result has created division, especially on the spiritual front.

In the midst, we find those who assume the role of the religious elite seeking to point out the error of others and destroy them.

Sadly, social media provides a platform where many carry out their vile and vicious attacks without ever following the biblical approach. 

Worse still, these individuals operate under their “stand for the truth” and never realize how destructive their actions are to the image of Christ in our world. 

We need leaders who understand balance and lead God’s people away from the polarity of a world that does not understand Jesus.

A Chance in a Lifetime Leadership…

Numerous statistics exist related to being a leader.

One report claims that 70-80% of people think they are a leader, yet only 2-3% actually are a leader. Another report claims that 2-3% ever see themselves as a leader.

Leadership is the chance of a lifetime, not because of the glory, glamour, power, or prestige that may be affiliated with leading. More accurately, it is for opposite reasons.

We know the blessings found in Christ. We also know the responsibility of leading others to Him.

When we lead someone from darkness to light and experience the joy of salvation, now that is a chance of a lifetime!

Liberty Leaders…

The history of Independence Day is on the minds of most Americans as they remember the events from 1776. July 4th (243 years ago) brought freedom / independence from the rule of England.

The years that followed have been filled with highs and lows, victories and defeats. These events have shaped this nation and provided us with independence.

As spiritual leaders, we value the price paid by many to give us our freedoms and realize the need to help others understand and experience another kind of liberty found only in Christ. 

Time is too precious to delay. Let us be diligent to the task. Happy 4th

A Leadership Question…

If God required the genuine conversion of 1,000 souls to Christ before you and I could enter heaven, what would we do?

I know the Lord does not require it, but if so, would we not stop everything and start diligently trying to share the gospel with others?

Why do we procrastinate and think we have plenty of time when the Lord could come now, or those we need to reach might die?

What will it take for me to realize the urgency of eternity? When will I recognize the reality of hell?

Life is too short to focus on the here and now. Lead people to the hereafter! Think Souls!

Leading In Culture…

Do leaders shape culture or does culture shape leaders?

We might think the answer is both, and that is true. Certainly the culture has an influence on leadership and leadership has an influence on culture.

However, spiritual leaders cannot allow the culture to dictate the direction of God’s people, but they must shape the culture into the image of Jesus.

How can leaders do so?

First, we must learn and understand the culture.
Second, recognize the need of culture.
Third, provide an example for the culture.
And fourth, guide them to a better culture.

Just a few steps can shape the changes needed to direct a greater focus toward Christ.

SALT Fun Fact #5

“The world’s largest salt flat (4,000 square miles) is in Bolivia (Salar de Uyuni). It becomes mirror-like when a thin layer of water lies on top. This reflectivity makes it a very useful tool in calibrating scientific equipment from outer space. Real leaders lead by example. That example should be a reflection of the best we can be and one that sets the standard by which others can measure themselves.” Wayne Roberts

Scripture continually emphasizes the need for leaders to set an example, following the example of Christ that others may understand the standard they must follow. They must see it first and then emulate it.