Tag: Christ


When someone is isolated from a group they belong to, we tend to identify it as alienation.

Leaders have an opportunity to influence others for the Lord, for the betterment of life, and growth in the kingdom.

When we are driven to prove a point or advance our agenda, we can alienate those we try to influence, and we lose credibility.

When we lose our credibility and influence, two things happen: 1) a wall of defense is erected, and 2) we drive the other person deeper into their convictions.

The cause of Christ is too great to alienate someone from the greater good.

A Lonely Place

Leadership can be lonely.

However, the truth about spiritual leadership is that no matter who walks away, God is always there. Paul reminds us that no one can bring a charge against God’s elect, no one can condemn or separate us from the love of Christ. We are not alone!

This truth makes it possible to lead with confidence, grow stronger in faith, overcome any obstacle, and instill hope.

When we understand we are not alone, perhaps we will learn how to meet the needs of others who need to know the same.

Leadership Representatives

We understand the importance of having proper representation. This is true in the realm of law, and the same is true in standing before God.

We do not want to stand before Him alone. We need proper representation, and that representative is Jesus.

Leaders are also representatives. Followers need those they can turn to who will help, guide, protect, advocate, and provide representation.

Representing others indicates an activity designed for someone else, literally a wider group of others. The application to leadership is rather fitting.

Modeling the characteristics found in Christ is a great starting point for fulfilling the need in our own leadership.

Imitating Christ

Scripture instructs us to be an imitator of Christ. Peter identifies that Jesus left an example that we should walk in His steps.

What exactly does that mean? In context, Peter’s statement to Christians related to suffering.

Hopefully, we possess a conviction to walk in His steps, even when suffering.

Our prayer is that we draw closer to our God, understand more fully the example left for us to follow, and then live our life as a reflection of His example.

Where will it take us? If we follow it through, we might just find an amazing path before us.

A Snapshot of Leadership…

A snapshot in time displays a visual image of more than we can often express in words.

A compliment to any Christian is found in the reflection of Jesus, as represented in our words and actions.

Paul wrote it this way, “Be an imitator of me as I am of Christ” (1 Co. 11:1).

When leaders focus on demonstrating a Christ-like image, the greatness of God’s kingdom is exemplified and the common good of humanity is met.

A few minutes each day prepares a lasting image that is a picture worth keeping.

Flexible Leadership…

While several leadership qualities were demonstrated by Paul, one is key: flexibility (1 Corinthians 9:19-23).

Notice the driving force of Paul’s flexibility, “So that I might win…by all means save some.” Nothing took greater precedence in his life than leading others to Christ.

There was no compromise to the truth. The “anything goes” approach was unacceptable. At all times he was in submission to Jesus.

Notice the flexibility of personal choice: “I do all things for the sake of the gospel.”

If Christians could model this today, we could change the world.

All In…

Part-time, half-time, when we’ve got time, or it’s a convenient time is the way too many approach Christianity.

Christianity has never been about a list of rules and regulations to be fulfilled as if checking something off a list.

When our lives are governed by Christ, the words and actions that form our character are based on a life of “being” not a list of things “to do.”

Keeping one foot in Christ and one in the world cannot take us to a higher level of spiritual development.

Serving the Lord requires the choice to be “all in.”

Words of Kindness…

The value of speaking with kindness benefits every level of a leader’s influence. When a word is spoken with kindness several results occur.

The desire to benefit the person is demonstrated.

The value or worth of the individual is elevated.

The fruit of the Spirit testifies to being more Christlike.

The goal of unity is exemplified by serving one another.

The outreach to the world is built on a foundation of love.

Kindness requires us to get our personal agendas, preconceived ideas, desires, and motivations out of the way so our light can be displayed and God glorified.

Power of Change…

Why are people apprehensive to change?

1) Fear of loss (something valuable from the past).
2) Fear of the unknown.
3) Fear of uncertainty.
4) Fear of losing control.

However, the nature of change brings several positive qualities.

Becoming more Christ-like requires change.

Change creates firsts we have never experienced which bring enjoyment and satisfaction.

Additionally, change brings an air of excitement and enthusiasm.


Decisions are a daily part of life. Sometimes decisions are quick and easy to make. At other times, they are difficult and require a great deal more thought.

Many decisions have little consequence, while others carry great consequence.

There is one decision that is extremely consequential, the decision to follow Christ. This one decision should be the foundation for all other decisions.

When thinking through a decision, take a moment to determine how that decision will influence others and if it fits within our responsibility as a leader for Christ.