Tag: Confidence

Confident Character

Confidence is connected to both the words and actions of an individual. Thus, there must also be a strong consistency in one’s character.

The lesson for leaders is nothing new.

For leaders to build the type of relationship with followers where trust exists, their character must be defined by consistency, which lays the foundation for their confidence.

This may be one of the truest approaches to defining integrity for spiritual leaders.

Leaders need to position their words and actions in such a way that their leadership portrays the confidence of someone whose life is consistent.

Godly Confidence

Nothing is more powerful than knowing we have the greatest Ally defending us. Paul asks,“If God is for us, who can be against us?”

Our challenge is living out the reality of this thought. When we hold to this truth it can change the direction of our leadership.

Leaders need to demonstrate confidence: the type of confidence that is not based on one’s own abilities, but a confidence built upon a relationship with God.

Paul understood there was no need to fear anyone or anything. God will defend us and fight for us. This is how we lead with godly confidence.


The psalms point out that God is our portion forever. The word translated portion is often translated as reward.

Realizing that God is our strength gives us confidence, but knowing that He is our reward gives us hope.

Spiritual leaders must always portray the confidence of God given strength. However, one of the most powerful components to great leadership is the ability to instill hope in others.

When leadership provides hope, no matter how high the mountain, how low the valley, or the size of the obstacle, people will endure and overcome.


Do leaders think from a primal perspective? Before we drift into the early stages of evolutionary development, primal carries the impetus of something that is essential or foundational.

Nothing could more essential and foundational to eternity than spiritual leadership.

How does the idea of primal apply to the surroundings of leadership?

The idea relates to the beginnings, first things, primary, essential, and foundational elements of all that is connected to life intellectually, physically, emotionally, and physically.

These elements are the building blocks of all leaders and include integrity, honesty, strong work ethic, passion, confidence in God, discipline, and balance.


One of the most critical areas of leadership involves an understanding of confidentiality. Leaders must know how to keep something in confidence.

Confidentiality speaks to a sacred trust. Followers need to know they can place their lives into the hands of someone they trust.

1) When leaders keep confidentiality, relationships are built.
2) Confidentiality makes leaders approachable.
3) Doing so provides guidelines for developing greater leadership.
4) Keeping a confidence grows a more Christlike character.

Confidentiality is critical for leaders. They must guard what has been placed into their sacred trust. When they do, the resulting development of character builds a leadership worth following.


When leaders provide direction that is fixed, followers feel secure.

When leaders keep followers safe and unharmed, they feel secure.

When followers are protected from the enemy, they are secure.

When leaders are stable, eliminate anxiety, and are unafraid, security exists.

Consider these thoughts in a spiritual context. Spiritual leaders must provide security that eliminates the fear and anxiety prevalent in the world.

To accomplish this, a few simple steps will help.

1) Be strong in faith.
2) Grow in knowledge of the word.
3) Trust in God.
4) Remember there is strength in numbers.
5) Lead with confidence.

Genuineness #2

As we began yesterday, several ideas can help develop or improve a leader’s genuineness. In addition to the three we have already considered, here are four more.

1) Fairness and impartiality are essential when working with people.

2) Always begin and end with something nice and complementary.

3) Address the issues in your personal life before trying to help others.

4) Seek wise counsel and follow the suggestions provided.

The purpose behind the seven ideas we’ve discussed is not simply to develop leadership character, but to demonstrate a genuineness that builds confidence in those we influence every day.

Express Confidence

Imagine what happens when people believe in themselves. Imagine what happens when leadership promotes this thought.

Sam Walton said, “Outstanding leaders go out of their way to boost the self-esteem of their personnel. If people believe in themselves, it’s amazing what they can accomplish.”

Develop others in ways that creates this kind of environment.

Express confidence. A word of encouragement helps others accomplish great work.

Give responsibility. Give responsibility and allow them the opportunity to achieve the task.

Handle failure appropriately. Help people learn from it, evaluate, pick up, and move forward.

Express confidence. Begin and end with telling others how much you believe in them.

Confidence and Credibility

Solomon expressed how the end is better than the beginning.

The thought expressed indicates the satisfaction and joy that accompanies the achievement of a goal. His statement also indicates confidence and credibility.

Reaching the end of the matter strengthens confidence in the leader. As each victory is achieved, leaders grow with confidence for setting out to accomplish the next goal.

When leaders reach the end of the matter, it is an indicator of success, and success breeds credibility for those who follow.

When we enjoy success at the end of the matter, it builds confidence which strengthens our credibility.

Primal Leaders

Primal comes from a Latin word meaning “first.” The idea relates to the beginnings, first things, primary, essential, and foundational elements of all that is connected to life: intellectual, physical, emotional, and spiritual.

When thinking about leadership, the need is evident to understand the primary / first elements that must be in place for success.

A few elements that are building blocks for all leaders include integrity, honesty, strong work ethic, passion, confidence in God, discipline, and balance.

These are the “primal” of leadership.

Using these as a foundation, leaders can build strength and character providing hope for everyone who follows.