Tag: Decisions

Rating Our Leadership

We enjoy the idea of rating performance, looks, ability, etc. and, generally, we use a scale from 1 to 10. How would we rate our leadership?

While consistent standards are helpful, we need to realize a couple of factors.

1) People will rate our leadership (whether we like it or not).
2) Our rating is based on ability, decisions, relationships, and previous success.
3) We will give an account to God for our leadership.
4) The final measuring device will be God’s word.

Changing our rating is up to us. When we use God’s word, on a scale of 1 to 10, how will our leadership measure up?

Letting God Down

Few people think about what happens when they let someone down.

Sadly, our desire to not let someone down leads us to try and please everyone. Even though we know it is impossible, we still try.

Have we ever considered how our decisions, words, or actions let God down? Spiritual leadership carries some of the greatest responsibility on earth and we never want to let those we lead down. Above all, we never want to let our God down.

If we focus on Him and pursue His will, we may let someone down, but our relationship with God remain secure.

Letting the Dust Settle

The general tendency is to think of “dust” figuratively in reference to turmoil or difficulty.

The implication of this phrase is key to how leaders impact the lives of those within their sphere of influence. How?

After the dust settles…

…next-step decisions are made for moving forward with greater confidence,
…the learning curve on accomplishments and challenges comes into focus,
…resolutions are more quickly reached because turmoil has passed, and
…opportunities to adjust course direction are made more easily.

The main thought here directs our attention toward allowing the dust to settle before making rash decisions that impact the lives of everyone around.

Changing the Future

If we could turn back time, what would we do different?

What would we change if we could start 2020 or even 2021 over? Would we do anything different?

Change a word spoken in anger or too hastily?
Choose to make better decisions?
Channel our energy toward a more positive attitude?
Correct a wrong done to a friend, family member, or foe?

We are aware of the impossibility of turning back time. But if we could, certainly, our changes would be for a better life for everyone.

Let’s determine today to lead with those changes in mind.


When leadership is characterized by accuracy, decisions and actions specify what must be done.

Leaders who pursue correctness, ensure others that what is being done is “right.”

Exactness demonstrates their leadership is precise.

A meticulous leader distinguishes themselves by paying attention to details.

When we examine our character each day, let us focus on being precise.

Developing precision in our leadership can be as simple as pinpointing what must be done, determining to do it right, exacting preciseness, and paying attention to the details.

Wise Counselors

One of the key lessons in leadership involves surrounding ourselves with wise counselors.

Why is this so beneficial?

  1. Personal wisdom is usually developed on limited education and experience.
  2. Many counselors provide a wise approach to well-informed decisions.
  3. The strengths possessed by others compliments our weaknesses.
  4. The idea is sanctioned by the wisdom of our God.

Personal experience should remind us that when we further our own agenda, or seek a position of authority, we are in danger of traveling a destructive path.

Listen to the wisdom of those who have the knowledge and experience to guide us to greater achievement.


Intentionality has powerful implications. Words such as deliberate, calculated, planned, studied, and purposeful are all related.

When leadership is intentional, decisions are well thought out before implementation, mistakes are reduced, confidence is displayed, and steps are taken to ensure others follow the right path.

Intentionality does not guarantee the right decision will be made every time, but such an approach builds on the foundation of solid reasons for each decision.

The need for both secular and spiritual leaders to be intentional in their leadership is obvious. The longer intentionality is discarded, the more leadership flounders.


Decisions are a daily part of life. Sometimes decisions are quick and easy to make. At other times, they are difficult and require a great deal more thought.

Many decisions have little consequence, while others carry great consequence.

There is one decision that is extremely consequential, the decision to follow Christ. This one decision should be the foundation for all other decisions.

When thinking through a decision, take a moment to determine how that decision will influence others and if it fits within our responsibility as a leader for Christ.

Decision Makers…

Leaders must be decisive. When they are indecisive, their leadership is called into question.

What causes indecisiveness? Here are three possibilities.

Fear: fear of making the wrong decision, the unknown, and fear of failure are leading causes.

Trust: leaders who lack trust in their own abilities and the abilities of others are often indecisive.

this mindset leads to indecision because there is a lack of urgency.

What can be done to help leaders overcome this indecisive tendency?

Gather ALL the facts.
List out the pros and cons.
Pray about it.
Trust your instincts.
Establish a precautionary backup plan.
Then, make the decision.

Long-Term Leadership…

What personal goals do we have for next year, or maybe ten years from now?

Have we considered the consequences of our decisions, especially when they involve spiritual growth over the next ten years?

Leaders assist others to think about long-term. The need is great if we plan to move toward a future with strong godly character.

Every decision has some form of consequence, good or bad, now and for the long-term.

A thoughtful process of examining these consequences will help us shape the future for our own lives and for those we lead.