Tag: Eternity

Messengers of Hope…

Life is filled with highs and lows. At times, we are on top of the mountain, and other times we walk through the valley.

David understood this when he wrote the twenty-third Psalm.

He understood what was ahead of him, not behind. Even though he walked through the “valley of the shadow of death,” God was with him and he would dwell with God forever.

As leaders, we are messengers of hope.

Better days are ahead, maybe not in this life, but God holds eternity.

Blessed Opportunity…

Of all people, why were you and I blessed with the opportunity to hear the Gospel when so many in the world have never heard it at all?

Maybe this is the first time we have considered this question. However, we need to recognize the responsibility that comes with the opportunity.

Should we keep it to ourselves? Can we really go through each day without considering the numbers of those who walk through life unaware of what awaits in eternity?

As Christians, we are blessed among people. This blessing is meant to be shared, leading others to a hope in something beyond.

Walking Away…

Robert Tew wrote, “Sometimes walking away has nothing do with weakness, and everything to do with strength. We walk away not because we want others to realize our worth and value, but because we finally realize our own.”

Satan wants us to believe our worth is summed up in achieved success, what others say about us, and what we have materially. No greater lie exists.

When we understand we are God’s children, made in His image, our worth changes incredibly.

Resist the temptation to find worth in the temporal things of this life and realize the greatness of God. Walking away from sin is eternally worth it all.

One Minute…

What is the value of one minute if it means catching or missing a flight?

Would one minute mean more if we knew it meant missing an accident?

When we sit around doing nothing, minutes pass by quickly and we give little thought to them.

If we are anticipating the arrival of friends or loved ones, that minute can feel like an eternity.

Every minute is a gift from God.

The treasure connected to one minute can make a difference of eternal consequence.

For leaders, the value of one minute is worth what we put into it, even if it is the first minute of eternity.

A Spiritual Guide…

Where do followers go when they meet with difficult challenges?

Where would leaders have them go when needs outweigh the balances of monetary ability?

Spiritual leaders will always face questions from those who follow. 

Jesus once asked the apostles if they were going to walk away, to which Peter responded, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life” (Jn. 6:68).

When followers turn to leaders, will they receive words of eternal life? Will they learn how to get through life and gain eternity?

Where else can they go if not to spiritual leaders who desire to guide them to know God and a home in heaven?

Blessed Leadership

The idea of blessed is key throughout the Psalms. 

Psalm 1 begins with it and the thoughts expressed have great significance when applied to leadership.

First, leaders must be careful where they go and who they listen to regarding their responsibility.

Second, the heart and success of leadership are the result of following the path provided by God.

Third, the contrast indicates there are consequences when one fails to follow the righteous way.

Leaders have an opportunity to lead others on the right path. The responsibility is great, but the rewards of a fruitful life and eternal prosperity are worth the price.

The Challenge of Choice…

The issue of choice plagues us. Walk down the isle of any store and consider the choices available on a product of your choosing. At times, it becomes overwhelming to determine exactly what is needed.

A study of leadership reveals the challenge of choices. The choices made by leaders make the difference in success or failure, so what choice(s) should be made?

Sadly, many choices are made by trial and error. Only after the results of the choice are seen do we make additional choices toward an appropriate direction.

Nothing is more significant than leading others to make a choice about their eternal destiny.

Grateful Leaders…

Two of the most unused, yet needed and powerful words, are “thank you,” but why should leaders be thankful.

Leaders should express gratitude because…

1) God placed them in this position to glorify Him.
2) The opportunity to influence others for Jesus is the greatest work on earth.
3) Hope is the message provided through godly leaders.
4) Others trust leaders to show them the way.
5) Leadership makes a difference on an eternal scale. 

Leaders must recognize why they should be thankful as much as the action of showing gratitude.

Our God is great who has given us leaders!

Leading With The Future In View…

How will we lead when we consider the future of…

Our children? The choices they make? Their friends? Their work ethic? 

Our church? The confidence of the church? Their hope? The promise of eternity? 

Our neighbors? Who they turn to during trials? Their spiritual questions? How they see Jesus?

Our friends? Their spiritual focus? Their approach to relationships? When they face temptation? 

Our co-workers? Their knowledge of biblical principles? Their character? Their home-life? 

When we consider their future, it is worth giving thought to how we lead.

A Unique Leader…

Being unique applies to almost anything or anyone.

The more unique the more desirable, valuable, and popular.

What about our leadership is unique?

Potentially, our purpose is what makes leadership unique. In reality, it is the only part of leadership that is unique.

Spiritual leadership has one purpose unlike anything else, special and unusual. This purpose was born out of the unconditional love of the Creator for His creation, a purpose to be demonstrated one to another. 

This purpose is what keeps us focused and leads to the only hope for all of humanity. Helping others find this hope is what makes a unique leader.