Tag: Eternity

Spiritual Leader

Spiritual leaders do not serve themselves but others. They care about souls and eternity.

Spiritual leaders know the value of the gospel and the change it brings. They also understand the necessity of the work.

The head of a spiritual leader is understanding and willing.
The heart of a spiritual leader is humble and compassionate.
The hands of a spiritual leader are strong and serving.
The feet of a spiritual leader move forward.

No, there is nothing easy about it. However, spiritual leadership makes a difference. It is up to you and me to lead as spiritual leaders today.

Pointing to Jesus

Is it too much to ask for directions?

Jesus said, “I am the way.”

John the Baptist pointed people to Jesus. Why do more not point to Him?

Looking into the eyes of people around the world, including our own country, reveals the same.

We often see physical needs. We provide food, clothing, transportation, housing, or training to develop work skills.

No one is opposed to helping others with physical needs. Jesus provided an example.

However, there is a great imbalance in our approach to the physical versus spiritual.

We need to show people the way to spiritual and eternal life. This is the task of spiritual leadership.

The Difference

Think about restaurants from fast-food to high-end specialty. Consider educational institutions from community colleges to Ivy-league universities. There is a difference.

The same is true in leadership. We have seen it politically, corporately, educationally, and spiritually. There is a difference.

When it comes to spiritual leadership, are we making the difference? Have we allowed the mindset of complacency to hinder our leadership? Are we victims of apathy and indifference regarding our leadership?

Just as there is a difference in every other area of life, we can make a difference if we choose to do so. Let us provide the leadership needed today for a better tomorrow and eternity.

Power of Leadership

Consider the power of leadership to alter eternity. The influence of godly leaders makes a difference in the eternal destination of everyone around them.

The driving motivation behind leadership directly relates to the lives changed. When we think about it more closely, the moment someone’s life is changed by our influence, we cannot help but experience change in our own life.

If we truly believe that eternity matters that much, then let us exercise the type of diligence necessary to influence every soul we meet. We might just alter eternity, theirs and ours.


God needs spiritual leaders, and the need is critical. Several years ago, I heard this thought, “God is not about time. He is about purpose.”

Think about it. God is not bound by time as you and I. He created time within the span or space of eternity. However, God is bound by purpose, His purpose, and the purpose He set forth from eternity involves leadership.

Why do we need leaders? Because God demands and commands it. To fall short of the leadership development continuum within His church is to fall short of God’s purpose.

How will we prepare the next generation to lead and fulfill His purpose?


As leaders, we are messengers of hope. People can endure just about anything if they know there is something better ahead. They need hope something will be better.

The challenge is learning how to help others see that our hope is not based in a promise of a better physical life, but something beyond this life and beyond compare.

This kind of hope was the driving force of the early church, even in the face of death.

Paul indicated that hope of this nature saves us because with it we endure.

Better days are ahead, maybe not in this life, but God holds eternity.

The Future of Leadership

What are we doing to address the present condition of leadership? What are we doing about the future of leadership? What are we doing to develop biblical leaders?

Challenges face every move to improve the situation. Efforts to make a difference are viewed with skepticism.

Enthusiasm to learn and implement something new or different is sequestered off in the halls of youth and familiarity.

What are we doing to change eternity if the only thing we do is exactly what we have done for the past 50, 75, or 100 years?

At some point, we need to recognize where we are, where we are going, and what we must do to get there.


Two of the most unused, yet powerful words are “thank you.” Gratitude is vital to our leadership.

Leaders should be thankful because…

1) God has placed them in this position.
2) Influencing others for the Lord is the greatest task on earth.
3) Hope is the message provided through godly leaders.
4) Others trust leaders to show them the way.
5) Leadership make an eternal difference.

Leaders must recognize why they should be thankful as much as understanding what they are thankful for and the need to show gratitude.

Our God is great. Let us thank Him who has given us leaders!

A Fire-Lighter

Who are the fire-lighters in your life? We all have them and we need those who can excite passion within us.

Albert Schweitzer once said, “At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us.”

As a leader, we need to light the fires of others.

Who knows, but in that moment when we stop to extend a helping hand, speak an encouraging word, or give the most valuable gift––our time, we make an eternal difference.

Opinions, Objectives, Opportunities

Anytime we lead people there will be opinions, objectives, and opportunities.

Opinions vary from one person to the next and everybody has one. Leaders must harness these various opinions and channel them in a direction that achieves the goal.

Objectives also introduce numerous challenges. Not everyone shares the same objective.

Opportunities abound when leading people who possess various opinions and objectives.

The opportunity to learn from the opinions and objectives of others and direct the energies behind them into an effort that brings unity to the whole is powerful.

If it were an easy task everyone would do it. For those who do, the long-term rewards are eternal.