Tag: Expectations

Pressure in Leadership…

Pressure has multiple meanings: 1) Continuous physical force exerted on an object, 2) Persuasion, influence, or intimidation to make or coerce someone to do something.

There is no doubt leadership comes with strong elements of pressure.

How do leaders handle pressure when it arises?

The best place to begin is with fervent prayer.

Learn to relieve pressure through activity. Exercise is a start.

Create expectations that are achievable and realistic.

Break big chunks into smaller ones and focus on one at a time.

Never forget the purpose of perfecting us into the people God wants and needs us to be in His service.

The Power of Optimism…

Optimism includes hope and confidence about the future or successful outcome of something.

The negative nature of life’s experiences can hinder optimistic leadership, but here are a few suggestions to lead with optimism.

1) Remember, not everyone is against you.
2) Stop trying to live in or change the past, you cannot.
3) Be surrounded by optimistic people who cast a vision of hope.
4) Be realistic about personal expectations.
5) Accept who you are as a person.
6) Express gratitude for what you have physically and spiritually.
7) Reflect more often on the positive areas of life.

Try being optimistic and see how contagious it becomes.

Leadership Expectations…

Disappointment emerges when leaders expect others to live by their own personal standard of behavior.

My son says, “Live the way you would want others to live, but do not expect it of them.”

Consider these lessons.

1) We cannot know motives, so stop expecting others to live by our standard, even if it is right.

2) We limit someone’s potential when we are frustrated at their failure to measure up.

3) Everyone’s maturity level is different, because our backgrounds are not the same.

Let us measure up to the example of Christ. Then, nurture relationships with others to help them do the same. This is true leadership.

A Choice of Leadership…

Colin Powell once said, “You can’t make someone else’s choices. You shouldn’t let someone else make yours.”

When leaders make choices for others, it can lead to resentment. An increase in certain expectations develops when leaders make decisions for others. Making choices for others also leads to an unhealthy dependency.

Leading is about relationships and leading others involves helping them make the right choices, not making choices for them.

Leadership has the potential of influencing others for a greater purpose. Let us always lead with the desire to help others see and make the choice of heaven.