Tag: Family

The Right Time for Leading…

When it comes to addressing a delicate situation, timing is everything.

When faced with life changing decisions, timing is everything.

When waiting for answers to test results, timing is everything.

When confronting a family member, coworker, or friend, timing is everything.

God said, “There is an appointed time for everything, and there is a time for every event under heaven” (Ecclesiastes 3:2-8).

If we can step back and think for a moment and ask ourselves, “Is this the right time to continue in this direction?” then maybe we can handle whatever life throws our way at the right time.

A Dedicated Leader…

Leaders understand dedication to a fault, and they are dedicated to several areas.

They are dedicated to God. First, and foremost, their life belongs to the Almighty. They follow Him, whatever it takes.

They are dedicated to their family. They make sacrifices and express love through a willingness to do whatever is needed to get their family to heaven. 

They are dedicated to the church. No words adequately describe what leaders endure to help God’s people enjoy the security of the hope found in Jesus.

For these reasons, and many more, this post is dedicated to those leaders!

A Cause To Lead…

Passion drives our efforts in relationship to specific causes. The causes range from self-preservation to self-gratification.

At times we labor in a cause that provides for the physical wellbeing of others. We even appreciate the value of a cause that preserves the wellbeing of the planet.

As leaders it is vital that we develop a vision for the spiritual cause of Christ.

We labor diligently to provide for the physical future of our families. We should also consider their spiritual and eternal future with the same intensity.

Of all the causes worth leading, let us lead others to an eternal future.

The Greatest Choice…

Most choices in life have little or no affect on others, but a few choices consequentially do. Where we live, who we marry, children, and raising children are a few examples.

The greatest choice, however, is connected to our relationship with God. In order to take a step in the right direction as leaders, we need to make choices that will help others find the path to eternal life. 

We share good news for overcoming the past. We give confidence for today. We provide hope for a better tomorrow. 

People seek someone to lead them in the right direction. Let us step up to the challenge and lead for the cause of our Lord.