Tag: Focus

Leading with Optimism…

Pessimism or optimism? The choice is ours.

Although the author is unknown, the thought is powerful, “Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and focus on what could go right.”

Fear is real. No matter how we might deny or ignore its existence, if left unchecked, fear can stop us in our tracks.

Fear of what could go wrong also causes us to worry and dwell on negativity, both of which bring a great level of unpleasantness.

When we focus on what can go right, we lead with a vision of tomorrow that promotes hope and gives people something to believe in for the future.


Faithfulness is rooted in the very character of God. Reliability, steadfastness, constancy, fidelity, dependability, trustworthiness are all words that describe the qualities of God’s faithfulness.

Amidst the increasing instability of our culture we discover several obstacles to faithfulness.

Nurturing the temporal and disposable elements of life challenge lasting faithfulness. Shunning commitments and focusing our loyalty on improper objects become obstacles to our faithfulness as leaders.

However, we cultivate faithfulness when we celebrate God’s abiding presence, lift Him up in worship, keep our promises, and tell the truth.

Kenneson raises several powerful questions and provides suggestions to the other-directed nature of faithfulness on pages 194-195.

Pressure in Leadership…

Pressure has multiple meanings: 1) Continuous physical force exerted on an object, 2) Persuasion, influence, or intimidation to make or coerce someone to do something.

There is no doubt leadership comes with strong elements of pressure.

How do leaders handle pressure when it arises?

The best place to begin is with fervent prayer.

Learn to relieve pressure through activity. Exercise is a start.

Create expectations that are achievable and realistic.

Break big chunks into smaller ones and focus on one at a time.

Never forget the purpose of perfecting us into the people God wants and needs us to be in His service.

Strength of Leadership…

Is this urgent or essential? What should you stop doing? 

In Forbes magazine, Mike Maddock asks another question, “What makes you feel strongest?”

Great leaders focus on their strengths. Numerous sources claim that leaders should focus 80% of their time on their strengths and 20% on weaknesses.

While this may sound opposite to what we consider, great leaders prove the theory.

Focusing on the areas of passion and strength makes a good leader great, and makes a great leader outstanding.

Leaders must take time to ask the right questions and make sure they provide answers that help them reach their greatest potential.

Leadership Preparation…

Preparation today makes a difference tomorrow.

What are we preparing for today?

1) God’s guidance in seeking the right priorities.
2) Focus on what is important, not urgent.
3) Trust that if tomorrow doesn’t arrive, we accomplished what matters most.
4) Never miss an opportunity to tell someone, “I love you.”
5) Do something nice for someone who will never find out.
6) Be the most positive and enthusiastic person you know.
7) Close the day with prayer giving thanks for the good and bad.

These are a few ideas, but regardless of what happens, if we follow them we will live a full life.

Leadership Identity…

Identity is important, but there are several questions to consider related to this concept.

How would we identify what we do? Our activities indicate a significant role. If our focus is spiritual, then our role has a heavenly identification.

How would we identify who we are affiliated with? If we belong to Christ, then our character will reflect a Christlike spirit.

How would we identify the reason we are here? The activities we carry out should clearly identify the reason we are here?

A few simple questions can help us consider the value of identifying what, who, and how when it comes to our leadership.

Directionally Challenged Leaders…

The problem? “I have no idea where I am going.”

A directionally challenged leader will always struggle. If we do not know where we are going, how can we lead anyone there? 

When spiritual leaders are directionally challenged, we have an even greater problem. 

What can we do?

Set smart goals. Goals need to be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time bound.

Look to the finish line. Distractions abound and we can easily get off course. Focus on a goal.

Trust in the Word. Amidst the numerous voices vying to be heard, one is constant. Listen to it!

Be open to learn. Never stop learning and being open to learn.

Knowing where we are going eliminates most challenges.

Renewed Leaders…

Retreats provide opportunity for renewal, and it is an amazing  time to share progress, discuss problems, and plan for the future. 

Retreats bring people closer together as brothers and sisters, as well as, fellow workers participating in the greatest work on earth.

This is a great take away lesson for leaders.

The day to day grind of work, shuffling one stack of papers to the next, struggling to resolve problems, and an incredible work schedule will deplete leaders.

Spiritually, we must be renewed in our relationship with God. Such renewal keeps us focused, accountable, and strong in providing help to others.