Tag: Forgiveness


Forgiveness is unique, meaning to “send away.” When God forgives, He sends our sin away. As David wrote, “As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us” (Ps. 103:12).

While the arsenal needed to get through this life includes listening to God (study) and speaking with God (prayer), the promise of His strength keeps us focused. This is how we learn contentment, as Paul identified, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Phil. 4:13).

When leaders learn to practice the difficult task of forgiveness, their ability to influence others increases.

Trust and Respect

When leadership fails there is a loss of trust and respect.

The task before leaders is learning what to do to regain trust and respect when it has been lost.

Three negatives: 1) Do not ignore or deny it, 2) Do not attempt to cover it up, and 3) Never blame someone else.

Instead, consider four positives: 1) Admit the failure, 2) Be specific about the failure), 3) Ask for forgiveness, and 4) Give a step by step plan for overcoming the failure.

A simple upfront approach is where the healing begins.

Leading by Priority

Kingdom priority relates to the church Jesus built.

How much priority do we place upon God’s kingdom? When we look at our brothers and sisters in Christ, what priority do they see in that relationship?

When a need exists among our family, do we place an urgency upon that need?

With all the negativity surrounding the church today, where do we rank our response to kingdom priority?

As we read about unity, forgiveness, and demonstrating compassion, how are our priorities seen?

The way we treat people establishes how our priorities are seen and it demonstrates the reach of our influence as leaders.

Leading with Renewal…

Various phrases within the Psalms provide depth in their meaning for the life of leaders.

David seeks God’s forgiveness for his sin and pleads with God to create a clean heart and renew a steadfast spirit.

During difficult seasons, where and how do leaders receive this renewal?

1) Going to the source of renewal is a good place to start. Plead with God.
2) Spend time listening to what God says. 
3) Reflect on what has been done by God through our leadership.
4) Seek counsel with others who have experienced similar trials.

May God always renew a steadfast spirit in the times when needed most.

Dealing with Failure…

When leaders fail, trust and respect are lost. The task before leaders is learning how to regain what they lose.

Consider three negatives: 

  1. Do not try to ignore or deny failure. 
  2. Do not attempt to cover up the failure.
  3. Never blame someone else for it.

Instead, four positives are needed: 

  1. Admit the failure. 
  2. Specify the failure. 
  3. Ask for forgiveness.
  4. Give a step by step plan for overcoming the failure.

More could be considered, but a simple upfront approach is where healing begins.