Tag: Glory

Suffering and Glory

We know Jesus suffered while on earth: the persecution He endured, despising the shame, and the ultimate sacrifice at the cross.

John describes the glory of Jesus in the Revelation, and of all the terms that could have been used––sovereign Lord, Prince of peace, Mighty God, Creator, or Christ––John chose “Lamb.” Why use Lamb? Because He was the sacrifice made for the world. Suffering cannot be separated from the glory.

Paul reminds us that the sufferings of this present life are not worthy to be compared to the glory that will be revealed to us, but suffering comes first.

Win or Learn

We live in a competitive world and winning dominates every sport. Individuals and teams desire to be winners at all cost. Losing is not an option.

Nelson Mandela said, “I never lose. I either win or learn.” Imagine this mindset. The concept of losing doesn’t exist, but rather learning.

When we think in terms of losing, we miss the opportunity to improve. We can easily fall into the trap of compromise in order to win. We cut corners, minimize relationships, and view people as objects to our own end.

We must learn, improving who we are and what we do for the benefit of God’s church and His glory.

God’s Glory and Presence…

The “glory of the Lord” is found throughout the Old Testament. The expression is generally connected to the tabernacle or temple.

The appearing of God’s glory indicates the desire of God to dwell among and with His people. The greatest representation of this is found in the incarnation of Jesus.

John records, “And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth” Jn. 1:14.

It is beautiful to consider how God will work through us to be present in leading others.

Glory Through Suffering…

An interesting connection exists between suffering and glory. Look through God’s word and see how they relate and their connection to the life of Jesus.

Certainly, we are all aware of how Jesus suffered while here on earth: His persecution, shame, and sacrifice at the cross.

No one longs for or anticipates suffering. We desire the glory to come, but we must realize the suffering related to that glory and lead with an understanding of such.

Paul identifies that the sufferings of this present life are not worthy to be compared to the glory to be revealed to us, but suffering does come first.

Leading to Glorify God…

Psalm 96 is one that emphasizes numerous areas about our God, who He is and all He has done. Specifically, two verses highlight the glory of the Lord.

Notice the word “ascribe,” which indicates what God’s people attribute to Him. Ascribe glory to the Lord. How?

Three thoughts: “Bring an offering, worship in holy attire, and tremble before Him.”

If worship is an intentional meeting with and bringing a gift to God, then He is glorified in our worship. It seems fitting that leaders set the example and remind others of all that belongs to the Lord.

Role of the Shepherd…#8

The final statement is perhaps the most beautiful part of this prayer. Jesus says, “I have given them the glory that you gave me.” 

Ultimately, the role of the shepherd is to give sheep the glory God.

The glory Jesus received from the Father is of epic proportions. The reason he gave it was so that the apostles would be united, one as he was one with the Father.

Shepherds, it is the glory of God given to the sheep that provides a basis for unity, that we might all be one.

What a fitting way to conclude the role of the shepherd from Jesus’ prayer.