Tag: God


Leaders are accountable, but what exactly does this word involve for spiritual leadership?

There is the implication of what is required. As spiritual leaders, we are required to be trustworthy, faithful, examples, and people of integrity.

There are certain expectations. People tend to meet whatever is expected of them. When leaders make decisions, there is an expectation they will be held accountable.

There is an understanding of responsibility. There is a level of responsibility connected to the decisions and actions taken by leadership.

Leaders will answer to God for the direction of their leadership of God’s people.


Spiritually, if we do not continually return to the blueprint of God’s word to ensure we are following the plans…well, the result is what we have witnessed in our world today.

The problem can be summed up in the lack of leadership returning to the blueprint to evaluate the plan given by God.

Only when we return to evaluating the plan and implementing the mission of God, will we be able to resolve the issues of division and renew our efforts of outreach.

The task falls to us as leaders to learn the value of evaluation.

How Will You Be Remembered?

A new year has begun. How will 2022 be remembered for you?

There are times leaders are asked to leave, and times when they choose to leave. How a leader walks away determines the nature of how they will be remembered.

Shattered farewells leave everyone hurting.

Divisive farewells leave followers turned against one another.

Venomous farewells leave a feeling of animosity, anger, distrust, and a lack of direction.

Gracious farewells leave followers united with a greater dedication to achieve the established vision, goals, and will of God, strengthening the overall good of everyone.

We are leaders and how we lead when we leave makes a difference.

Hand of Leadership

God’s hand holds consequence and reward. It creates fear and hope. The writer of Hebrews says it is a “terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the living God.” They also express how Jesus is sitting on the right hand of God, a place of prominence and power.

James also instructs us to humble ourselves “under the mighty hand of God.”

What does this have to do with leadership?

The hand of leadership provides hope and leads with humility.

There is prominence and power in the hand with which we lead. We have an opportunity to make a difference by the hand of a leader.


Timing is everything. How many times have you heard this statement or one similar? Yet, it is true on a number of levels.

Addressing a delicate situation.
Making life changing decisions.
Waiting for test results.
Confronting a family member, friend, or colleague.

God said, “There is an appointed time for everything, and there is a time for every event under heaven.” When we read Ecclesiastes 3:2-8 we learn quickly how true it is that timing is everything.

The next time a delicate situation arises, you are faced with making a decision, are awaiting test results, or considering how to confront someone else, remember – timing is everything.

Enduring Leadership

Blueprints provide details to make certain a structure will last.

What kind of blueprint will help leaders ensure their leadership is long-lasting?

All blueprints begin with the foundation. Only by building on the right foundation will our leadership carry a lasting influence.

Paul points out there is no human who has the power to lay the kind of foundation needed for lasting leadership. Only Jesus provides a foundation for enduring leadership (1 Corinthians 3:11).

From His example we learn the nature, qualities, and character of the leadership God desires and designed for us today.


What was it about Josiah that made his leadership stand out?

Josiah did right in the sight of the Lord. Josiah brought powerful application to his leadership. Throughout his lifetime he did not turn from following God.

Josiah walked in the ways of his father David.
In contrast to the leaders of Israel, he followed David’s desire to be obedient to God, not turning to the right or left.

Josiah began to seek God. Josiah was active in learning and following God. When the book of the Law was found and read, his reaction was one of humility and inquiry.

A simple formula with life long application and amazing results.

Making a Difference

Jesus taught about the powerful nature of influence, identifying His disciples as the “salt of the earth” and the “light of the world.”

Jesus indicates we are to make a difference.

He uses an interesting term, “If the salt has become tasteless, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything…”

This word involves health, specifically good health.

When used in the context of the analogy and leadership influence, we find a powerful idea.

As leaders in the kingdom of God, our influence should be that which contributes to the spiritual health and well-being of others.


Most people tend to live up to the expectations of others. Regardless of what others think, however, we need to aim high. When we understand Paul’s words in Ephesians 3:20, maybe, just maybe, we can develop a greater vision of what we can accomplish.

When leaders develop vision, one that sees our God correctly and sees ourselves correctly, we take steps to fulfill something beyond our capabilities.

Instead of allowing fear to control or dictate the decisions that ultimately limit our abilities, we need to rethink what we want to accomplish.

Passionate leadership fuels the future of growth and achievement and when it does, impossibilities vanish.

David’s Leadership

We could spend weeks talking about David’s leadership, but I simply want to examine one area: his respect for God’s will.

Even though David could have taken Saul’s life, he respected God’s appointment of Saul as Israel’s king.

Even though David was paying for the consequences of his sin, he understood and respected God’s answer in loss of his son.

Even though David was prepared to build a temple that honored God, he respected God’s decision that Solomon would build it.

One of the reasons his leadership was great is because he respected God’s will.