Tag: God

Where to Turn

Everything learned about leadership simply indicates there is more to learn. The amount of information readily accessible is overwhelming.

There is no end to the books, articles, blog posts, and classes available on the subject.

Where will leaders find the help to grow in their leadership?

Turn to God. The best leadership book available is the Bible.

Turn to other godly leaders. Seek the help of others and learn at their feet.

Turn inward for reflection. Reflect on how God continues to work throughout the journey.

These do not exhaust the possibilities, but they do provide benefit from each learning moment.

Leading Children

Life changes with each heartbeat. When raising children, these changes in life raise questions.

What will happen? How will we raise them? There are times we ask, “Why did this happen?”

These are questions we tend to ask when facing moments of uncertainty. Our faith is challenged.

Leadership begins here, in the home. The foundation of a mother and father who are dedicated to make sure their children are loved and raised to trust, honor, know, and follow God.

We pray from the moment we learn of a child’s conception. When they enter this world, we pray for the wisdom to lead them all along the way.

The Desire to Lead

If there is one component needed to characterize a leader, it is desire. Leadership requires the desire to lead, to develop the character necessary to lead.

We tend to do what we want to do. When that desire exists, nothing stands in the way. When we want to do something, we will find a way.

The opposite is also true. When we do not want to do something, it does not matter the consequence(s), or the reward(s), we will not do it.

When we desire to lead as God planned, nothing will stand in the way of our achieving His plan.

Our Greatest Ally

Leadership is not about trying to make things happen on our own. The minute we go at it alone, we are destined to fail.

When David faced Goliath he knew the One who was there to help him. Goliath came to the battle as a warrior armed with a javelin, sword and spear. However, David came with the living God of Israel on his side. Who do you think won?

Do we know our greatest Ally? When we come to the battle with the living God on our side, we cannot fail.

Paul reminds us of this truth (Rom. 8:31-39).


The Hebrew word translated integrity refers to “what is complete, entirely in accord with truth and fact” (BDB, 1977:1071). Integrity moves toward an application of the ethical uprightness of one wholly devoted to God (TWOT, 1999).

When integrity characterizes our leadership, imagine the impact. When people look to us and see an example of integrity, they see a leadership worth following.

The strength of our relationship with the others is based on character that emulates God as our Father. The desire to speak and act with integrity portrays a desire for truth, followed by an ethical uprightness of a heart wholly and completely devoted to God.

God’s Narrative

A narrative is a representation of a particular situation or process in such a way as to reflect or conform to an overarching set of aims or values.

This definition reflects a connection of our leadership within the sphere of God’s overarching aims and values.

Our narrative is written within the greater narrative of God, His design and purpose for our lives.

When we connect these events and see the providential working of God throughout the activities of our life, we understand more fully the need to plug in, and allow God to work through us for His greater purpose.


The writer of Hebrews highlights the faith of Abraham (He. 11:8-10, 17-19), and Paul uses Abraham’s faith as an example of how our faith is credited as
righteousness (Ro. 4).

The key to Abraham’s faith is the statement, “…with respect to the promise of God, he did not waver in unbelief, but grew strong in faith…being fully assured that what God has promised, He was able also to perform” (Ro. 4:20-21).

The example of an unwavering faith points to our confidence and relationship with God. Doubt is eliminated and certainty in God’s promise is promoted.

What Do We See?

How many opportunities were missed because we could not see the possibilities? Do we fail to see the possibilities because we are wearing spiritual blinders?

God told Abraham to lift up his eyes and look in every direction.

Jesus told the apostles to lift up their eyes and look on the fields.

What do we see when we look at our family, friends, coworkers, people in our community, or brothers and sisters next to us in worship?

It is time for us to lift up our eyes and look. The door is open. What will we see when we look through it? What will we do?

Platform for Leadership

What is the platform for our leadership? Are we standing on a platform driven by our personal agenda, or the one established by God?

As we examine the direction of our leadership, the platform has already been constructed and delivered by God. His word outlines for us the platform we are to stand on and lift up before the world.

Perhaps this is why Paul describes the church as the “pillar and support of the truth” (1 Tim. 3:15).

If we can wrap our minds around the significance of this statement and build on this foundation, then our leadership will fulfill a divinely given task.

Strength in Numbers

When we go at life alone, we are vulnerable. Satan wants us to try and make it on our own because we are vulnerable to his attacks. Learning to avoid the “Elijah Syndrome” is critical to the strength of our success in honoring and glorifying our God.

Consider the strength in leadership when there is counsel from several. The attempts to make decisions and implement plans on our own will most certainly meet with challenges at best and failure at worst.

There is strength in numbers. It is true in every area of life and leadership. The benefits far outweigh the consequences of going at it alone.