Tag: God

Prayerful Leadership…

Prayer is a given when it comes to spiritual leadership. We know about prayer. We study about prayer. We talk about prayer. We teach about prayer.

However, do we believe in the power of prayer?

The struggle for many is the temptation to doubt when trials arise to challenge our faith in God’s power to answer…yet again.

When it comes to prayer, there is no magic formula, special words, proper position, or time of day that makes a difference.

Prayer is about the simplicity of a humble heart that trusts God.

We may not always understand, but praying without ceasing is foundational to powerful leadership.

The Right Time for Leading…

When it comes to addressing a delicate situation, timing is everything.

When faced with life changing decisions, timing is everything.

When waiting for answers to test results, timing is everything.

When confronting a family member, coworker, or friend, timing is everything.

God said, “There is an appointed time for everything, and there is a time for every event under heaven” (Ecclesiastes 3:2-8).

If we can step back and think for a moment and ask ourselves, “Is this the right time to continue in this direction?” then maybe we can handle whatever life throws our way at the right time.

Guardians of the Faith…

Guarding the faith of Christians is not an easy task? The battle is fierce. The danger is great. The opportunities for success may be few. 

However, with God on our side we are assured victory.

Satan works to fill our schedules to overflowing. We get busy with so much stuff we have no time left for eternal matters.

While it is true for each of us individually, we can also get so busy with programs and activities within the church we lose sight of our purpose.

We need balance. When we allow these things to push out the spiritual, Satan can steal our faith. 

We need guardians.

The Future of Leadership…

What does the future of leadership look like for the Lord’s church?

Is there an understanding of why this is important for the future?

Are plans being made for the next generation of leaders and how they will lead?

Will the legacy left behind be one of strong leadership?

Who will take the role of preparing these leaders for the time when they are needed?

When will the plans be enacted?

These are only a few questions that deserve consideration, but the answers are vital to knowing the future of God’s kingdom. Are we ready?

Successful Leadership…

Success has been defined in numerous ways, but how we define and measure success is critical to leadership.

Here are a few suggestions to consider.

1) Setting smart goals and developing solid plans to achieve them

2) Growing spiritually stronger in relationship to God and others

3) Utilizing God’s word as the standard for decisions

4) Providing the right tools to assist others reach their potential

Ultimately, changed lives are the true measure of success. We could say so much more, but the point is the same. As spiritual leaders, we must define and measure success by the lives changed within our sphere of influence.

Scared or Sacred Leadership…

Swapping two letters can make a big difference and it raises two questions.

Why is leadership so scary? The answers are abundant. The responsibility of leading people to eternity, knowing that leaders must set goals and plans, maintain morale, resolve conflict, provide solutions, etc., all contribute to why leadership can be a scary place.

How do we overcome the scared ground for sacred ground? Spiritual leadership is a God-given role and He will help us overcome. Time in prayer provides a more sacred footing and studying heroes of faith, as in Hebrews 11, help our approach to sacred ground.

This is a start and sometimes getting started is half the battle.

From Ordinary to Extraordinary…

When Moses approached the burning bush, God instructed him to remove his sandals because he was standing on holy ground. An ordinary bush became extraordinary because of God’s presence and divine activity.

God has always taken the ordinary and made it extraordinary with divine activity.

Twelve men: fishermen, a tax collector, a zealot, and other ordinary people, yet when God worked through them, they became extraordinary. 

Today, we need to recognize the nature of God working through the events and people in our lives to take something ordinary and make it extraordinary. When these “burning bushes” exist, we need to stop and realize the sacred ground upon which we stand and watch how God’s divine activity shapes our leadership.

A Dedicated Leader…

Leaders understand dedication to a fault, and they are dedicated to several areas.

They are dedicated to God. First, and foremost, their life belongs to the Almighty. They follow Him, whatever it takes.

They are dedicated to their family. They make sacrifices and express love through a willingness to do whatever is needed to get their family to heaven. 

They are dedicated to the church. No words adequately describe what leaders endure to help God’s people enjoy the security of the hope found in Jesus.

For these reasons, and many more, this post is dedicated to those leaders!

Simplifying Our Leadership…

Life is complicated and complex. Why have we allowed our daily activities to alter the simplicity of life? A few ideas could help us simplify our leadership.

Remember who is in control, who holds eternity in His hands, and let Him have control.
Learn when to say no.
Understand the limits of our abilities.
Take a “full” day off every week and spend it with family.
Do not work in all three parts of the day.
Stop trying to get it all done the first day.

More could be shared, but if we apply a few simple ideas, our leadership will last a little longer and taste a little sweeter.

A Grateful Leader…

Families and friends will soon gather to enjoy Thanksgiving.

We would all agree with the need to express our gratitude daily.

The God-given responsibility of leading can be a heavy burden, but the rewards are rich in eternal blessings.

A few are listed below.

An incredible God who created us, loved us, and was willing to die for us.
wonderful opportunity to work with the greatest people on earth.
The generosity of trust from faithful brethren who make our work possible.
Abundant physical and spiritual blessings.
A perfect Word that provides direction, strength, hope, and promise.

May leaders always express gratitude.