Tag: Influence


Substance involves a quality of being important, valid, or significant. Simply stated, substance is the stuff that makes up leadership.

What is the substance that makes up the character of our leadership? Integrity? Work ethic? Honesty?

Is there something significant that stands out giving credibility to our leadership substance?

Can others see the substance of our leadership?

The substance of spiritual leadership must not be ego-centric, but people-centric. The quality that validates the importance of leadership is not built upon I, but you. The substance of great leadership uses we.

As important and needed as leadership is today, it is worth our time to focus on the substance.

Technological Leadership

Technology has changed the way we communicate, and it has affected avenues of leadership.

The development of technology is not backing off in the direction of the future, and it influences all of life.

Therefore, leaders need to learn how to best use technology in ways that assist their leadership.

First, do not deny, reject, or excuse the technology that exists.
Second, be open to and take time to learn.
Third, use areas of technology where followers are engaged.
Fourth, always approach and use technology as a tool for building up others.

If we will use technology appropriately, it can be a tool of great influence for the kingdom.


Two of the most unused, yet powerful words are “thank you.” Gratitude is vital to our leadership.

Leaders should be thankful because…

1) God has placed them in this position.
2) Influencing others for the Lord is the greatest task on earth.
3) Hope is the message provided through godly leaders.
4) Others trust leaders to show them the way.
5) Leadership make an eternal difference.

Leaders must recognize why they should be thankful as much as understanding what they are thankful for and the need to show gratitude.

Our God is great. Let us thank Him who has given us leaders!

Confident Character

Confidence is connected to both the words and actions of an individual. Thus, there must also be a strong consistency in one’s character.

The lesson for leaders is nothing new.

For leaders to build the type of relationship with followers where trust exists, their character must be defined by consistency, which lays the foundation for their confidence.

This may be one of the truest approaches to defining integrity for spiritual leaders.

Leaders need to position their words and actions in such a way that their leadership portrays the confidence of someone whose life is consistent.

Making Choices

One of the most frustrating challenges in relationships is reflected in a statement by Colin Powell, “You can’t make someone else’s choices. You shouldn’t let someone else make yours.”

When leaders make choices for others, the potential of resentment exists.

When leaders make choices for others, a certain expectation can be created.

Making choices for others can also lead to an unhealthy dependency.

Leading is about relationships and leading others involves helping them make the right choices, not making those choices for them.

Leadership has the potential of influencing others for a greater purpose. Let us always lead with the desire to help others see the choice of Jesus.

Genuineness #2

As we began yesterday, several ideas can help develop or improve a leader’s genuineness. In addition to the three we have already considered, here are four more.

1) Fairness and impartiality are essential when working with people.

2) Always begin and end with something nice and complementary.

3) Address the issues in your personal life before trying to help others.

4) Seek wise counsel and follow the suggestions provided.

The purpose behind the seven ideas we’ve discussed is not simply to develop leadership character, but to demonstrate a genuineness that builds confidence in those we influence every day.

Genuineness #1

People seek a leader who is genuine, or authentic.

Several hindrances challenge the genuineness of a leader, most of which stem from self: personal agenda, money, power, position, etc.

These areas do not mean an individual cannot be genuine. However, they do hinder the development of genuineness.

How can genuineness in leadership improve?

1) Think about the influence of your words and actions before you speak or act.

2) Use knowledge, commitment, and ability to lay the foundation for decisions and actions.

3) Deliver honest criticism in a spirit of love and concern for the well being of others.

Teamwork #2

Yesterday, we talked about the need for God’s people to work together…as a team. When spiritual leaders understand the value of people using their abilities in a united effort to the glory of God, there is an opportunity to influence the most powerful movement on earth.

God designed the church to be one and for His people to work together as one. If the team mindset exists and we move forward in unison, great things happen.

Let us strive in leadership to encourage others to use their efforts, talents, insights, enthusiasm, and inspiration to achieve success as one…team.

The Gift of Today

What exactly does each day provide for our leadership? We have an opportunity to:

…reflect on yesterday and decide how to make changes for the day ahead.

…focus on today’s priorities realizing this may be the only day we are given.

…prepare ourselves for the day the Lord returns or we are called to Him.

…share the gospel with others who may never have another opportunity.

…share the depth of our love with those we often take for granted.

Each day is a gift from God. Recognize it and seek ways to live a fulfilling life in service to Him.


Amazement is characterized by “overwhelming surprise or shock.” Jesus once healed a demon-possessed man and told him to go and tell his own people what great things God had done for him and how God had shown mercy. When he did, people were amazed.

Consider our influence in the lives of others. When people compare the person we were before with who we are now, are they amazed?

If not, maybe we need to stress more the great things God has done for us and how He has shown mercy.

Our leadership in the home, community, and church should be different when Jesus is part of the equation.