Tag: Jesus

Leaders and Followers…

A blueprint provides exact details for any structure. The greater the detail, the better the opportunity it will last. However, this only happens when the blueprint is followed. Deviating from the blueprint increases the chances for disaster.

Good leaders are good followers. Jesus exemplified this principle, as did the apostles and early Christians.

If we are unable to follow the blueprint, can leadership achieve success?

When someone decides they know a better way than following the plan of our Lord, problems are on the horizon.

The better we follow the blueprint our Lord has provided, the greater our success as leaders in the kingdom.

Lasting Leadership…

Blueprints provide specific dimensions for constructing everything from a tool shed to a mega complex or high rise.

A blueprint outline every detail to ensure the structure will last.

Where can leaders find a blueprint that will benefit them and ensure lasting leadership? The Bible.

Paul points out no human has the power to lay the kind of foundation needed for lasting leadership. Only Jesus can provide that kind of foundation (1 Corinthians 3:11).

From His example we learn the nature, qualities, and character of leadership that God desires for us today.

Childlike Leadership…

The world is a different place when looking through the eyes of a child. Imagine how doing so would help our leadership.

Worry not about tomorrow, it might not come anyway.

It is okay to get angry, but make up quickly and play as if it never happened.

Stop thinking about the clock. The value of time cannot really be measured by it.

Live life with anticipation of what we get to do each day.

Value the security of knowing someone else is in charge. Thank you Father.

We can learn much from children and their approach to life. Jesus said that unless we become like them we cannot enter the kingdom.

From Ordinary to Extraordinary…

When Moses approached the burning bush, God instructed him to remove his sandals because he was standing on holy ground. An ordinary bush became extraordinary because of God’s presence and divine activity.

God has always taken the ordinary and made it extraordinary with divine activity.

Twelve men: fishermen, a tax collector, a zealot, and other ordinary people, yet when God worked through them, they became extraordinary. 

Today, we need to recognize the nature of God working through the events and people in our lives to take something ordinary and make it extraordinary. When these “burning bushes” exist, we need to stop and realize the sacred ground upon which we stand and watch how God’s divine activity shapes our leadership.

Leading In Less Than One Second…

Jules Verne wrote Around The World In 80 Days. Traveling around the world in a hot air balloon was exciting and the adventure thrilling.

The 21st century has ushered in a few changes. The adventure no longer takes 80 days, or 80 minutes, or even 80 seconds.  In less than one second, with the touch of a button, this can all be experienced through the internet. Technology has changed everything.

Leading in such a time moves us to rethink our approach to every relationship.

For leaders, this is an opportunity to expedite the gospel to the world. How are we using these God-given tools to communicate the hope of Christianity?

The Human Soul…

Ralph Peters said, “The great paradox of the 21st century is that, in this age of powerful technology, the biggest problems we face internationally are problems of the human soul.”

I do not pretend to understand the big problems of the 21st century, technologically or otherwise. However, spiritual leadership does involve the human soul.

No problem of the human soul can be addressed apart from Jesus. The challenge is to seek, find, and know Him.

The problems of the human soul are not solved with worldly philosophy and the wisdom of men.

The power and wisdom of God, Jesus, make the difference.

A Motive To Lead…

People lead for different reasons. At times, the situation (crisis) demands someone lead.

However, selfish ambition motivates far too many. The desire to personally benefit from a position of power is appealing in both the secular and spiritual arena. 

When people lead with the right motives, the result is powerful.

Developing this motive consists of three components.

1) Personal and familial relationship with Christ. 
2) Understanding scripture, both the milk and meat of God’s word.
3) Compassion for people’s eternal condition, saved and lost.

These help us check and develop the motive godly leaders should possess.

The Grand Scheme…

Consider the “grand scheme” of things and our role as a leader in that scheme.

God’s mission is providentially guided throughout the history of Israel down to the coming, crucifixion, and resurrection of Jesus. 

The power of this mission/scheme is God’s continued involvement in our lives today.

If not careful we get distracted and even drawn away by the trivial areas of life, resulting in distorted priorities.

We need to pray that God will open doors. We also need to pray for the wisdom to see those opportunities and for the courage to pursue what God places before us in His grand scheme.

Middle Leadership…

Over the years, much has been said about the middle child within family relationships. Some information fits, some not. We have learned that each child is unique in their own ways.

However, the idea of being in the middle develops an interesting thought for leadership…leading from the middle, influencing those who work below and above us. 

John Maxwell’s 360 Degree Leader shares a few principles.

1) Leadership influence works both ways, up and down.

2) Invaluable opportunities exist for the greater good from the middle.

3) The middle provides the greatest leverage for leading. 

As Christians, we all lead from the middle. Let us use this place well.

A Leading Parable…

The parables of Jesus often shed light on great leadership principles. One of those is the Parable of the Tares. Here is what we learn…

The enemy is working against spiritual leaders.

Patience is needed, even when evil grows in the midst of good.

Time will reveal the intentions of the heart.

Light always triumphs over darkness.

Take time to read the parable and think about these principles as they apply to leadership. Leaders must learn to approach and handle these areas with faithfulness to God. The result will strengthen their influence and leadership.