Tag: Jesus

Leadership Advocacy…

Everyone needs an advocate, a champion, upholder, backer, supporter. The idea involves someone who comes alongside and stands in the place of someone else. Biblically, Jesus is our Advocate.

Consider our position as leaders.

When people struggle with their faith, when people deal with the challenges of life, when others step out to accept responsibility, will we be an advocate for them?

During a time of temptation, personal trial, or spiritual growth, leaders must be an advocate.

The necessity is vital to the development of the Lord’s church. Christians need to know the Advocate they have in Jesus, and they need to know the advocate they have in leadership.

Cost of Leadership…

What does it cost to get an education? What does it cost to raise a family? What does it cost to enjoy freedom? 

What does it cost to be a leader? The answer will vary depending on the individual and type of leadership required. 

Consider the cost of spiritual leadership.

Regarding Jesus, it involved His life. We can safely say the same will be required of us. Although it may not involve a physical death, we should be ready and willing if it did.

Perhaps the most significant cost is that of being a servant. The cost involves putting others above ourselves. For that we must die to self.

SALT Fun Fact #6

“Michelangelo’s ‘Last Supper,’ shows Judas knocking over a salt shaker, which is meant to symbolize an act of the devil (the reason some throw salt over the shoulder…to blind the devil). When good leadership opportunities are wasted, the devil has his way with people. Great leaders stand over the shoulders of others to guide, train, and warn against Satan’s traps.” Wayne Roberts

The thought here does not encourage nor support “lording” over others. This was condemned by Jesus and Peter. Leaders must learn to distinguish between lording over others and the process of guiding, training, and warning against Satan’s traps.