Tag: Leadership


One of the greatest needs in our world and one of the greatest challenges involves love.

As Christians who grow and nurture our relationship with God we can easily lose sight of our past life, a time when we were described as helpless, ungodly, sinners, and enemies. In this condition, Paul says God demonstrates His love toward us.

Paul did not say demonstrated, as in past tense. The word is present active showing that God demonstrates His love now and it continues with no thought of coming to an end.

To lead others to the love of God, we must demonstrate the nature of God’s love.

Nervous or Excited?

Simon Sinek claims everyone deals with situations where they face pressure. The tendency is to think they are nervous. The body reacts with an increased heart rate, tension, and maybe sweaty palms. Interestingly, these same reactions occur when we get excited.

The difference involves learning to interpret the signs through another type of lens. Instead of thinking we are nervous, we need to view it as a level of excitement.

The mental exercise of retraining the way we view and think about the situation requires a little time, but creates a powerful approach to the pressures that exist and how we move ahead.

Ambitious Leadership

Defining ambition is not difficult. The difficulty arises when we consider where our ambition lies.

Is our ambition driven by financial security, power, or authority?

Would our ambition be characterized by selfish and physical priorities, or a spiritual focus?

Paul identified an ambition that was spiritually and eternally developed, because we make it our ambition to please the Lord.

When our leadership is driven to please the Lord it changes our approach to every area of life, and the church will grow in the grace and knowledge of our Savior.

A Leadership Challenge

While a challenge often involves a form of competition, the most relevant definition describes a task or situation that tests someone’s abilities.

Two primary thoughts should be considered in relationship to leaders.

1) Leaders must challenge themselves. We must find ways to test our abilities to strengthen the character of our leadership.

2) Leaders must challenge others. The idea is to present tasks or situations where the abilities of followers are tested to produce personal growth.

People arise to what is expected. If little or nothing is expected, then little or nothing is given. However, experience has proven that when leaders provide encouragement and expectation, followers come through.


At times, leaders are asked to leave and sometimes they choose to leave. How a leader walks away determines the nature of how they are remembered.

Shattered farewells leave everyone hurting.

Divisive farewells leave followers turned against one another.

Venomous farewells leave a feeling of animosity, anger, distrust, and a lack of direction.

Gracious farewells leave followers united with a greater dedication to achieve the established vision, goals, and will of God that strengthen the overall good of everyone.

At some point, we say goodbye and when the time comes we must decide the level of integrity and Christlike character we will demonstrate.

Never Give Up

When we give up…

We lose the edge of our character and get discouraged.
We will wonder what could have happened “if” we had endured.
Someone else will lead, and their leadership may not be the right direction.
The opportunity to bring lasting change is delayed, if not eliminated.

The bottom line is – Satan wins!

Leadership has never been an easy road to walk. There are always problems to deal with and opposition to overcome.

However, we must not allow those obstacles and challenges to cause us to give up.

A little twist on an old adage may prove helpful, leaders never quit and quitters never lead.

Committed Leaders

Occasionally, life will knock us down. We may get knocked down a few more times than we think is our share.

However, are we committed enough to keep getting up no matter how many times we get knocked down?

David McNally claims, “Commitment is the enemy of resistance, for it is the serious promise to press on, to get up, no matter how many times you are knocked down.”

When we are committed we are motivated.
When we are committed we have dedication.
When we are committed we keep our focus.
When we are committed we will stop at nothing.

Until Death

It is significant to notice the reward stated by Jesus given to those who hold true to their dedication and commitment.

In several areas of life, even leadership, when difficulties arise, change, distractions, interruptions, or a failure to measure up to our expectations, our culture looks for the bail out.

Consider the difference that could be made if we all honored our commitments.

Can we imagine the lives we could change by having hearts with such dedication?

There is much to be said for men and women who build on a foundation defined by these two words…until death!

Keep Others Informed

When leaders do not keep others informed, the following happens:

People grow suspicious.
Distrust blossoms.
Doubt develops in leadership ability.
Stress fuels worry.
Anxiety leads to fear.

The lack of communication is not always intentional. Sometimes, we grow into a structured life. We develop a routine and life becomes monotonous. In the end, our communication is often affected.

Is it possible to prevent these concerns from developing and growing? Yes!

Following these three simple words…Keep others informed.

What kind of information needs to be provided? Inform others about…

Plans for the future.
Changes that need to be made.
Challenges / or hindrances facing the plans.
Any and all needs.

Courageous Leaders

How will our influence be remembered in the church and community where we live and serve?

Will we be remembered because of the change we made for the better?

Will our leadership have an impact for the eternal good of others?

Harry Truman once said, ”Men make history and not the other way around. In periods where there is no leadership, society stands still. Progress occurs when courageous, skillful leaders seize the opportunity to change things for the better.”

If it seems as though the world stands still around us, then maybe it is time we stood up to lead. Seize the opportunity to change things for the better.