Tag: Leadership

Cultural Leadership

Certainly, culture has an influence on leadership and leadership has an influence on culture.

From a spiritual point of view, leaders cannot allow the culture to dictate the direction of God’s people, but leaders must shape the culture.

How can leaders shape the culture today?

Leaders must understand culture.
Leaders must recognize needs within culture.
Leaders must provide an example for cultural context.
Leaders must lead into a different culture.

Just a step in the right direction will help shape the changes needed in culture to direct a greater focus toward Jesus.


When we consider what’s on the line as it relates to leadership, we begin to understand the urgency.

Throughout the Old and New Testaments we find God’s provisions for leaders. He positioned individuals to lead.

God designed His church to function with leaders. Their function is outlined in the letter to Ephesus (Ep. 4:11-13).

People need someone to follow. Christians should provide an example of leading in the family, workplace, and community.

The breakdown of the family indicates an urgency for husbands, wives, and parents to keep a more biblical focus.

May God bless us with the courage and boldness to fulfill our responsibilities.


Travel increases the awareness of flexibility. Cultures vary from one country to the next. At the same time, each culture establishes their own practices and finds a rhythm that flows through the people who participate in the daily activities of life.

While leadership is complicated enough, add the cultural factors among the various backgrounds and relationships of people who make up the church, and complexity reaches a new level.

Leaders need flexibility. I do not mean compromising truth, but leadership focuses on the needs of those who follow.

Flexibility becomes critical to the twists and turns that factor into leading a multi-cultural people.

Be the One

“One tree can start a forest. One smile can begin a friendship. One hand can lift a soul. One word can frame the goal. One candle can wipe out darkness. One laugh can conquer gloom. One touch can show you care. One life can make the difference, be that one today.” Unknown

At its core, leadership involves the type of influence that makes a difference in the lives of others. As we go through our day, can we be that one? Can we be the one who influences others with a smile, a hand, word, or touch?

The answer is yes! Lead this way!

Complex vs Simple

Depending on the individual, there is some subjectivity. On one hand, an older generation recalls the simplicity of dirt roads, no cell-phones, growing what was eaten, and a life without technology.

Adding technology, a black-top/concrete way of life, cell-phones, and then eliminating the garden, life can become a bit more complex.

On the other hand, a younger generation recognizes these advances as a means to simplify life and increase health and wealth.

Imagine leading people with both mindsets. We should remember that both mindsets exist in the world and the church.

Our task is not to place one above the other, but lead with both in mind.


An ever present danger exists in our world today and everyday: extremism. Balance is a commodity difficult to find in almost every arena.

Our country is polarized politically and religiously between liberalism and conservatism. Party politics divides people nearly as often as we see in religion.

The challenge of leading within these extremes weighs on the mind of every individual who finds themselves in leadership.

How can leaders actively approach the task before them when such extremes exist?

It requires leading with a divine standard that was intended to provide balance.

A Question

I first saw this question on a church building sign.

The question challenges the depth of our faith and the strength of our vision.

The question requires a deep reflection into our soul to determine where we are and where we want to go.

The question brings a responsibility to act, requiring us to get up and do something.

The question applies to every individual and congregation. It stretches across every generation, culture, and era.

Before you read the question, remember to give serious consideration to the question before answering.

The question is simply this: “What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail?”

Born or Made?

Whether leaders are born or made continues to occupy discussions on several levels. On one hand, some circles claim leaders are born with natural abilities, a giftedness of talent from God. Romans 12:8 seems to support this idea.

On the other hand, several claim that leaders are made. A number of authors indicate that leadership can be learned. The thought is based on the development of certain leadership skills over time.

Regardless of which direction we support, we all influence others and lead at some level. It serves us well to develop our abilities, great or small, in ways that provide the best leadership possible.


From the day we are born to the day we die, we only know time: The time we sleep, the time to get ready for work, the time we spend at work, and the list goes on.

Once time passes, we cannot get it back. It cannot be regained or relived.

When we look at leadership, the value of time takes a sharper focus. From the time we prepare ourselves to lead and influence others to the time we actually spend in building those relationships, every second contains great value.

Let us use our time wisely and make the most of the opportunity to lead with care.


We often fail to recognize that most of what we see in life is biased by who we are: how we were raised, the environment, culture, and hundreds of other areas, rather than reality.

Interestingly enough, how we see things becomes reality to us. Because this is true, we become entrenched in our beliefs to the point of dogma.

No one is exempt, but we need to understand the importance of patience and love when attempting to help others grow.

Leadership requires us to have empathy, the ability to understand and enter another person’s feelings. The more we do so, the greater our influence.