Tag: Leadership

Faith-based Leadership

An old Chinese proverb claims that “limitations are the boundaries we place in our minds.” What do we consider to be possible or impossible?

While we claim that all things are possible with God, do we really believe it?

We say we have faith, then turn around and place limitations on what we hope to accomplish because it has not been done before. Do we really believe?

Since God is our strength and He made us fellow-workers in His kingdom, we need to stop thinking in the realm of impossibility. Maybe if we moved out of the way, God would do some incredible things.


Rarely do leaders consider the interdependency of relationships. These are relationships where people are dependent on each other.

Our culture focuses on independence, a make it on your own mentality. Pride often hinders us from ever seeking or asking for help from anyone else.

The other side of the coin is one where we become dependent on someone else without contributing to the relationship ourselves.

When we take a learning posture and realize others can teach, guide, and offer something to help us in our role as leaders, we begin to fulfill an interdependency that will strengthen our ability to lead.

The Light of Leadership

Jesus claimed to be the “Light of the world.” He further told His disciples, “You are the light of the world…,” concluding the thought by saying, “Let your light shine…”

There can be no doubt that Jesus planned for His followers to reflect His character, virtue, and example in a world that does not welcome the light and often attempts to extinguish it.

Katelyn Irons challenged us with this thought, “Shine with all you have. When someone tries to blow you out, just take their oxygen and burn brighter.”

For leaders, it’s about leading out of being. The light is who we are, not just what we do.

Changing the Future

If we could turn back time, what would we do different?

What would we change if we could start 2020 or even 2021 over? Would we do anything different?

Change a word spoken in anger or too hastily?
Choose to make better decisions?
Channel our energy toward a more positive attitude?
Correct a wrong done to a friend, family member, or foe?

We are aware of the impossibility of turning back time. But if we could, certainly, our changes would be for a better life for everyone.

Let’s determine today to lead with those changes in mind.

Inspiring Leaders

Defining leadership becomes more complex by the day. Books, blogs, and dictionaries are constantly modifying ways we think about leadership.

For the past 100 years, definitions seem to indicate the same challenges. Each decade introduced new political figures and challenges to the country that influenced the way leadership was defined.

One consistent fact about leadership, regardless of the time, country, or political power, is the influence leaders have through inspiring others to act toward achieving a goal.

When leaders exercise this ability, they unite a force that keeps everyone focused on the goal and the implementation of plans necessary to reach the goal.

Leading with Constancy

Have you ever heard the phrase “constancy of purpose?” Constancy involves dependability or faithfulness. There are strong implications in leadership. Once leaders understand their purpose, constancy is demonstrated in four areas.

1) Faith: We need to know and trust that our God is able and He will be there each step of the way.

2) Focus: Without focus, Satan is masterful at distractions, which take our eyes off God’s purpose.

3) Fortitude: We need fortitude to stand firm when distractions and challenges arise.

4) Follow-through: Once we commit ourselves, constancy will follow-through with the plans.

Constancy helps leaders accomplish more for the Lord’s kingdom.

The Leadership Possibilities

How many times have you thought or heard someone say, “Life doesn’t always go according to plan?”

Susan Gale acknowledges, “Sometimes heading in a new direction can be scary until you realize you’re headed toward a new and exciting destination.”

Imagine what would happen if we exercised a little patience and did not allow the scary nature of a new direction or change in plans distract us from seeing the new and exciting possibilities that might exist around the corner.

Life expands with our ability to demonstrate the kind of flexibility that allows us to take advantage of opportunities when presented. May we always see the possibilities.


Statistics often provide value when collected and used correctly.

Once information is collected, statisticians categorize and examine the information to determine statistics that describe a broader section of people within a geographical location, gender, ethnic, social, economic, or religious base.

Before we write off the negative view of statistics, let us consider how these numbers can be a tool to motivate and inspire greater work for the Lord’s kingdom.

We can learn valuable information that assists in the development of our influence as leaders. Statistics help us learn more about the people we want to influence.

Field Trip Leaders

Can you remember taking field trips as a child? As adults, a field trip looks a bit different, but involves a new perspective.

Consider the benefits when leaders take a field trip today.

First, we find a perspective of reality among individuals involved in the work. The 3 foot view is needed to get a visual that is specific to the daily activities.

Second, we learn a number of lessons critical to designing plans for change. A field trip allows the top-down leaders to see a bottom-up visual of needs.

A field trip introduces leaders to areas they need to see.

Leaders in Progress

When we think of progress, we often think of a forward movement toward a specific destination. However, we must also think in terms that can be measured.

One of the challenges leaders face in making progress is the result of thinking qualitative, rather than quantitative. We have a vague idea, but can’t really determine if we are making progress or not.

Leaders must establish short- and long-term goals that enable everyone to see progress. Here is where we ignite enthusiasm and greater involvement follows.

Get out of the status quo rut and take the initiative to lead from the front.