Tag: Leadership

The Precedent…

A precedent occurs when a previous event or action becomes an example or guide that is considered for similar circumstances in the future.

Throughout scripture we learn both what should be done and what should not be done based on a precedent established.

By definition, application of biblical events and actions are powerful examples that must be considered for similar circumstances in the future.

The terminology we use states, “If we do not learn from history, we are doomed to repeat it.” Some of the greatest lessons on leadership are based on these biblical precedents.

Fearless vs Less Fear…

The word “fearless” conjures up several thoughts, primarily to be without fear. However, reverse the word – “less fear.”

Various events in our leadership will always create times of fear. Fear is not eliminated, but we can demonstrate less fear, but how? Read Hebrews 11:1 – 12:3.


Enduring life’s challenges is strengthened by victorious faith. Others have also overcome; see the great cloud of witnesses.

Trust in God’s promise; run with endurance the race set before you.

Even the greatest of obstacles, at their best are still temporary; keep your eyes fixed on Jesus.

Words of Kindness…

The value of speaking with kindness benefits every level of a leader’s influence. When a word is spoken with kindness several results occur.

The desire to benefit the person is demonstrated.

The value or worth of the individual is elevated.

The fruit of the Spirit testifies to being more Christlike.

The goal of unity is exemplified by serving one another.

The outreach to the world is built on a foundation of love.

Kindness requires us to get our personal agendas, preconceived ideas, desires, and motivations out of the way so our light can be displayed and God glorified.

Patient Leaders…

Successful leadership does not consist of leading people in the same way because people are not the same. Timber Hawkeye resounded this thought, “Flowers only bloom when they are ready. People are the same way.
You cannot rush or force them open just because you think it’s time. Be patient.”

The principles of leadership never change. People, however, learn and advance differently. Some pick up on the process quickly, while others learn at a slower pace.

Any attempt to rush or force people into places or positions when and where they are not ready simply frustrates everyone involved.

Messengers of Hope…

Life is filled with highs and lows. At times, we are on top of the mountain, and other times we walk through the valley.

David understood this when he wrote the twenty-third Psalm.

He understood what was ahead of him, not behind. Even though he walked through the “valley of the shadow of death,” God was with him and he would dwell with God forever.

As leaders, we are messengers of hope.

Better days are ahead, maybe not in this life, but God holds eternity.

The Map…

Where are we going? Do we know? What is needed to get there? How will we know when we arrive?

We make application of this daily, but spiritual matters tend to be a completely different story.

The spiritual approach must be no different. We know the destination and we desire to get there. We anticipate the arrival, but do we know what we need to get there?

Since our destination is heaven, the map God has provided is laid out through the pages of His word.

If we know how foolish it is not to follow a map into unknown places, imagine how much more foolish it is when the eternal destination is far more consequential?

Blessed Opportunity…

Of all people, why were you and I blessed with the opportunity to hear the Gospel when so many in the world have never heard it at all?

Maybe this is the first time we have considered this question. However, we need to recognize the responsibility that comes with the opportunity.

Should we keep it to ourselves? Can we really go through each day without considering the numbers of those who walk through life unaware of what awaits in eternity?

As Christians, we are blessed among people. This blessing is meant to be shared, leading others to a hope in something beyond.

Extending Our Comfort Zone…

Success in leadership depends on the ability, or maybe the flexibility, to recognize the limits of our comfort zone and how life begins at that point. Neale Donald Walsch said, “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone. So if you’re feeling uncomfortable right now, know that the change taking place in your life is a beginning, not an ending.”

Leadership operates the same. We are not talking unscriptural changes, but when ideas and plans are introduced that make us uncomfortable, maybe life is just beginning.

God’s Glory and Presence…

The “glory of the Lord” is found throughout the Old Testament. The expression is generally connected to the tabernacle or temple.

The appearing of God’s glory indicates the desire of God to dwell among and with His people. The greatest representation of this is found in the incarnation of Jesus.

John records, “And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth” Jn. 1:14.

It is beautiful to consider how God will work through us to be present in leading others.

Power of Change…

Why are people apprehensive to change?

1) Fear of loss (something valuable from the past).
2) Fear of the unknown.
3) Fear of uncertainty.
4) Fear of losing control.

However, the nature of change brings several positive qualities.

Becoming more Christ-like requires change.

Change creates firsts we have never experienced which bring enjoyment and satisfaction.

Additionally, change brings an air of excitement and enthusiasm.