Tag: Leadership

A Leading Question…Part 1

Numerous words convert sentences into questions: what, will, how, when, where, and who? These words validate the importance of questions that determine the information needed to assess and make necessary conclusions.

There is one word, however, that takes a level of preeminence and it is necessary to challenge the core of who we are and what we do as leaders.

Why? Nothing else needs to be added to this word to complete a question.

Children are famous for asking this question regarding every answer given by parental and educational authorities. Why?

As we lead, we must think more about why.

Ambitious Leadership

Every leader needs ambition: a strong desire to do or achieve something, typically requiring determination and hard work.

When Paul wrote to the church at Corinth, he claimed our ambition is to be pleasing to the Lord (2 Co. 5:9).

Imagine the power of leadership when strong desire, determination, and hard work are exerted toward pleasing the Lord.

Ambition based on this purpose will guide every area of life and leadership.

In our homes, on the job, in the community, and within the Lord’s church we show the world we are His disciples when our ambition is to please the Lord.

Leading With Attitude

The attitude of a leader makes the difference.

A negative, self-centered, sadistic, apathetic, and indifferent attitude is destructive. At the same time, a positive, self-less, compassionate, and thoughtful attitude is powerful.

I once heard the question asked, “Is your attitude worth catching?

What can we do to improve our attitude?

1) We need to be careful what we allow into our mind.
2) Develop positive affirmations and write them down.
3) Avoid emotional “vampires” who tend to suck the joy out of any good situation.
4) Set and achieve daily goals.
5) Act like a “maniac.” MaryAnn Troiani says “happy people are maniacs on a mission.”

A Winning Combination

Paul identifies the need for Christians to have the same mind that was in Christ (Phi. 2:5), but what is that mind?
Notice the phrases that characterize the mind Paul wants all Christians to possess.

1) Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit.
2) With humility regard others as more important than yourself.
3) Do not look out for your own interests.
4) Look out for the interest of others.

These four phrases are summed up in the life of Christ: a selfless humility that puts others above self.
Jesus and others is a winning combination for leadership.

Biblical Resolution…Part 2

Paul’s letter to Philemon regarding the runaway slave, Onesimus, is another great text on resolving conflict. Paul makes several appeals, and each hold significance.

First, he appeals to Philemon’s character, faith, love for the church, and dedication to the Lord.

Second, he appeals for the sake of his self-sacrificing love.

Third, he appeals to the value and worth of Onesimus, not as a slave, but a brother in Christ.

Fourth, he appeals to his own confidence in Philemon to go beyond what Paul asks.

Our conflict with others could be resolved more quickly if we spent a little time making an appeal based on these four areas.

Biblical Resolution…Part 1

The Gospel of Matthew highlights Jesus instructing the disciples in what to do if a brother sins against you. He
said to “go to them in private.” Conflict could be more easily resolved if we took this approach.

Of course, Jesus continues with taking two or three witnesses, if they do not listen to you. However, the most powerful part is found at the end, “if they will not listen to the church.”

Imagine the power of an entire congregation on your doorstep to resolve the conflict.

His point is not about discipline, but about restoration. Let’s seek reconciliation.

Resolving Conflict

The challenges associated with conflict run deep and the resolutions do not come quickly. When conflict arises, what can we do?

1) Embrace the conflict. Conflict allows us the opportunity to learn from and grow through it.
2) Develop consistency. Hypocrisy is destructive, thus a consistent approach is the best start.
3) Listen to all sides. There are at least two sides to every story. Listen completely to both.
4) Respond quickly. Waiting to address conflict produces bitter and incorrect feelings.
5) Invite collective wisdom. Ask others who have faced similar conflict and learn.

This is not an exhaustive list, but with a good start we can find resolution more quickly.

An Approach to Conflict

Understanding why conflict exists is a beginning point. How should we approach conflict?

1) Anticipate conflict. With anticipation comes preparation, and when we are prepared we are better equipped to find resolution.

2) See the opportunity. Imagine the difference in facing conflict when we recognize conflict is an opportunity to improve relationships.

3) Deal with one at a time. At various times, we will face an overwhelming flood of conflict. The best approach is this step.

4) Focus on the objective. We easily lose sight of our objective, and our vision is clouded by the devastation of the conflict. Focus!

Why Does Conflict Exist?

One constant in life is “conflict.” The reality of conflict for leaders needs to be understood in order to resolve it.

At least four reasons explain why conflict exists.

1) Change always brings conflict.
2) We live in a complex and diverse world.
3) We interact with people.
4) We cannot control every situation.

Knowing these reasons is not enough. We are all aware of the fact that conflict exists and, for some, conflicts are greater now than ever before.

The question to consider is, “How do we deal with conflict when it comes?”

Over the next few days, we will explore a few suggestions.

Improving Our Leadership

Leaders must continually strive to improve. Although the author is unknown, the following thought is powerful, “The day you stop getting better is the day you better quit.”

We point to this idea frequently, but it cannot be overstated. We all need to constantly work at improvement.

Leading in the home requires more attention to provide the right foundation.

Leading at work provides direction for the success of the organization.

Leading in the church is essential to uphold truth, save souls, strengthen faith, and sustain generational leadership.

We must pursue, with fervor, the improvement of who we are and what we do as leaders.