Tag: Lovable


A few years ago, I heard about a leader who simply prayed, “Lord, bring us all those that nobody else wants.” Imagine the response when one by one several, often classified as undesirable, showed up.

If we believe the gospel is for all, then do we work to see that all have opportunity, not just to hear the gospel, but see it in our actions?

The path is not an easy one to walk. However, we are not called to lead only those who are lovable, but those often considered unlovable.

Think about Jesus and the ones He reached out to serve. Are we listening? Will we follow?

A Leadership Prayer…

What would happen if we prayed “Lord, bring us all those that nobody else wants”? How would we respond if one by one those classified as “undesirable” came?

If we believe the gospel is for all, then are we working to see that all have opportunity to not only hear the gospel, but see that gospel in our actions?

The path is not an easy one to walk. However, leaders are not called to lead only those who are lovable, but the unlovable also.

Read through the gospels and notice who Jesus reached out to most. Who are they? Why did He reach out to them? What was the result? 

Are we listening?